Troy - sleep

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Your POV:
I woke up for what felt like the millionth time tonight. Ugh why! It was a warm night so that probably didn't help either. Troy was sleeping and didn't move an inch. I got up out of bed and headed into the kitchen to get some water. Time passed on and I lost track of time. "Y/n?" I heard Troy say. I turned around seeing him standing there yawning sightly. "Sorry if I woke you." I told him. "It's ok babe are you ok?" He asked. I sighed. "Just can't sleep for some reason." I told him. "Let's go for a walk. How does that sound?" He asked me. "Sounds lovely." I told him. I grabbed a jacket placing it on and the two of us headed out the door for our walk.

The stars were beautiful tonight. "The stars look real nice tonight." I said. "They are and so are you." Troy said making me blush. "That's sweet of you to say." I told him. We walked hand in hand as we walked towards the beach. The moon was shinning which made it look bright. After spending sometime looking at the water, I was starting to get sleepy. I rested my head on his shsould which caught his attention. "You ready to head back?" He asked. I nodded my head sleepily. We both walked towards our apartment getting in and heading straight to the bedroom.

Troy's POV:
We headed back to our room and got back into bed. I pulled her into my chest holding her tight. "I love you y/n. You've made me the most happiest that I've ever been. I can't wait to marry you one day." I told her. Quiet snores came from her. "Sleep tight princess." I said kissing the top of her head.

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