Jethro - Knee

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Requested by @alexisxxq

Alexis' POV:
I woke up ready for the day ahead. It was about 5:30am so normal time for me to go to work. I took a shower and placed on my blue shirt. My smile came across my face when I placed my blue shirt on. It means a lot to me that I got it. I wasn't that hungry so I got some fruit instead munching on that for a while. Soon it was 6:00am and time for me to leave for work.

I headed out my small apartment locking the door behind me walking down the stairs to the entrance. My boyfriend was waiting for me at the end of my path of my apartment. He saw me and I smiled making him smile too. Jethro. My boyfriend is Jethro. He's a lifeguard down at bondi. I'm ever so proud of him. He's absolutely amazing at his job. We walked up to one another hugging each other tightly. I looked up at him with him staring down at me. We both smiled and leaned in kissing one another's lips. "Time for work I guess." I said as we pulled away. The two of us walked hand in hand down to the lifeguard tower.

Today was like any other day at bondi. Busy and a load of rescues. Jethro and I had a few moments where we would hug and just stare into one another's eyes. But it never distracted us from our job.

- - - -

Something caught my attention. A guy. He looked like he was making contact with the public. Jethro, Singlets and I watch him for about 30 minutes. There soon was a knock at the door. I walked over. "Hello?" I said to the two girls that came to the tower door. "Hey. There is this guy who's coming in contact with some of the public. Us being some of the people he's touched." They explained. "We've actually been keeping an eye on him for a good half an hour but we'll go speak to him." I said to them. Just as I was going to sort the two girls out, my name was mentioned. "Hey Alexis you may want to go down there now. He's acting more suspicious and worse. You may need to run." Jethro said to me as he kept looking out of his binoculars. "Sorry." I said to the two girls leaving them to speak to Singlets and Jethro. I ran past them runnign down the stairs and towards the guy.

Jethro's POV:
There was this guy, he was going crazy across the beach which caught mine, Alexis' and Singlets' attention. I radioed down to the south corner.

*bondi central to south rhino*

*come in*

*we have a guy going crazy near your area and near the tower. We've been keeping an eye on him for a while about 30 minutes now and he's just getting worse. I'm going to get Alexis to go down to him so can you look out for me when I do*

*sure thing. Ask for backup if needed*

Alexi's POV:
As I got closer to the guy noticed me coming towards him so he began to run so I ran after him trying my best to catch up.

*Alexis to central... requesting backup. I'm chasing this guy and need some extra people to help catch him*

*Harries, Hoppo and Harrison are on their way*

I ran faster seeing Harries near by. Thank lord. The crazy guy ran up the ramp and by the pavilion. I was so close to him. I got closer and closer to the man deciding to tackle him as I tackled into him, he made the two of us fall to the floor. As I got to him, he somehow went behind me tripping me up falling to the ground. Luckily I bought him down with me so he fell, with me falling on top of him. My knee smacked the concrete floor causing it to go in the opposite direction it should've gone in. Ouch that hurt. Harries was the first one to arrive and then Hoppo. Harrison came by minutes later. Harries and Hoppo had hold of the guy as police came. A few of the public came over to help hold the guy down. "Alexis are you ok?" Hoppo said looking over at me with his knee and one hand on the guy and his radio in the other. I groaned in pain. Hoppo let go and came over crouching down beside me. Harrison took his place as Hoppo placed his hand on my side.

*Hoppo to central. We need the first aid kit and an ambo*

I looked at Hoppo. "I don't need an ambo. I'll be fine." I said trying to sit up but as I did more paint came for my knee. "We're getting you an ambo." He said. "Fine." I mumbled.

*I'll send Jethro over with it all*

*We're right by the grassed area by the pavilion*

*Jethro is on his way*

Jethro's POV:
Singlets received a call through the radio. I was looking through the binoculars when Singlets got my attention. "Jeth you need to take the first aid bag to the grassed area by the pavillion." Singlets said. "On it." I said. Just as I was about to leave the tower Singlets spoke up. "It's for Alexis." He said. My heart began to race as I ran out of the tower and towards where they were. I saw Harries and Harrison holding down the guy, with Hoppo crouched down where Alexis was. She must be hurt bad.

Alexis' POV:
The cops soon turned up (about 3 of them) arresting the guy for causing disruption to the beach and physical contact with the public. One of the cops stayed back standing by me. Jethro came straight over to me as he saw me on the floor clearly in pain. He placed everything down crouching down taking my hand. "What's gone on?" He asked. "I tackled the guy and we fell causing me to hurt my knee. I'm in a bit of pain but not a lot." I said but I was clearly in a load of pain. "Honestly I really don't need an ambo." I said again. Jethro looked into my eyes. "Baby it's best if you do. You could do more damage to your knee and you could potentially not be able to use it again and maybe even loose your job." He said. I sighed. "I'll be back up and running soon." I said making him chuckle.

Soon the ambo turned up helping me out. "Can you come with me?" I asked as Jethro followed me to the ambulance. Jethro looked back at Hoppo and he nodded signaling for Jethro to come with me. We both made it to the hospital. All I did to my leg was a bad sprain, bruising and it did pop out of place but went back in about 2 minutes after me smacking my knee.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you like this!


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