Jethro - Collapse

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Requested by @Rosequeen365

Cameron's POV:
Today was a perfect day for surfing. So I headed down to bondi for the day. My board was held by my side as I walked towards the water. I paddled out and caught some great waves. I sat on my board admiring the view when I felt a sharp pain against my leg which began to tug at my leg shortly after. I shook my leg harshly to shake whatever was there off of my leg. A big wave came crashing by throwing me against the rocks causing me to get a few more scrapes and cuts across my body. This hurt. I quickly examined my leg and saw a bite mark. There was a chunk taken out of my leg and it was bleeding badly. The sand was literally 2 metres away so I hobbled onto it and made my way to a decent part. It felt like I got hit by a brick and soon I felt dizzy than before I knew it I fell to the ground blacking out.

Jethro's POV:
I heard a scream. I looked up noticing a group of people around someone and  could see one of them were already doing CPR. Crap. "We need the defib!" I shouted as I ran as fast as I could down towards the group. Harrison and Singlets were shortly behind me as they took the rhino. We got there and began resuscitation on her. "We saw her on the rocks and she looked distressed then she hobbled onto the beach and then that's when she collapsed." One of the girls said. I took over cpr as Harrison got some bits ready for us. More back up arrived. Dylan, Chase, Reidy and Harries arrived helping us out. Singlets went and looked down at her leg with help from Chase. "Guys we've got a shark attack here." He said trying to stop the bleeding. "I'll radio up." Harries said grabbing his radio.

*harries to central we have a shark attack to the girl which is collapsed on the sand in front of us*

*i'll send Jake out on the jet ski to see if it's still around and the ambo is about 20 minutes away*

Harrison took over cpr for me while I did other things to get her to respond to us. "Do any of you know her name?" I asked looking up at them as I kept my fingers on her wrist to keep check of her pulse. "She was wearing a necklace which had the name Cameron on so that could be her name. We took the necklace off." Another girl said handing me the necklace. "Thank you." I said as all my focus was on the girl. We all pulled back so the defib could do its bit. Pulse. "We have a faint pulse but she's breathing." I said to them all and we sighed in relief but this still means we could loose her again.

Your POV:
I could see the light but I wasn't close yet. It was getting brighter and brighter until my eyes slowly opened. "Cameron?" Someone said. My eyes darted all over the place. "She's awake. Her pulse is strong." One said. What's going on?? "What's your name?" A blonde haired guy said. "Cameron." I barely spoke. "Cameron, I'm Jethro one of the lifeguards you're in safe hands now. The ambo has arrived and they're here to look after you. You're going to be ok." The same guy said. I tried to smile but I wasn't sure if it worked.

Two ambo crew came down on the beach with loads of their kit. "What's happened?" One of the people in blue said. "We've had to resuscitate her so she was unresponsive for around 10 minutes. She's been attacked by a shark and has a bite mark about 10-15 cm long. She also has scrapes and cuts all over her body due to being thrown against the rocks." Jethro said. Oh god that happened to me?! "Hey Cameron we're the paramedics. You're in safe hands now." They said making me feel at ease. Jethro walked with me holding my hand in comfort which I thought was really nice of him to do so. Our hands soon let go and the last person I saw was him before I was placed on the bed and into the ambulance where I was taken to hospital to be treated.

*about a month or so later*

Jethro came to visit me at the hospital the day of my accident. He visited me a few times while I was there as I stayed in for about 2 weeks. He's such a sweet caring guy. Sometimes he'd stay the night to keep me company. We really got to one another and it felt like we've know one another for years.

It was one day I was laying in the hospital bed reading my book when Jethro walked in with some flowers. We got talking. "Let me take you out sometime. Just the two of us." He said with a smile. "Like a date?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "You could say that." He said with a smirk. I smiled. About a week after the 'date' he asked me to be his girlfriend and I of course said yes to. We're both happy.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you like this!


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