Mouse - sick

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Your POV:
I woke up to the sound of coughing. I sat up. "Sorry baby for waking you up." He said coughing again. "You're sick." I said placing my hand on his forehead to test his temperature. "You're burning up." I also said. He groaned. "I feel rubbish. This is all I need." Mouse said falling back onto his pillows. "Stay in bed. I've got this." I told him. He groaned. "But babe!" Mouse exclaimed. "No buts babe." I said raising my eyebrows. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen to make some chicken soup for him.

I walked into the bedroom to see mouse sleeping. That's what he needs. A good sleep. The soup was warm maybe a bit too warm for him to eat at the moment. I placed it on his side of the bed table and walked round getting in on my side. This woke him up. "Oh hey." He mumbled. I chuckled. "I made you chicken soup which is on the bedside table." I told him as he sat up. "Thank you babe. You didn't have too." He said taking the bowl and begging to eat it. He soon finished the bowl placing it back on the table. He shuffled closer to me sitting close.

Mouse rested his head against my shoulder as I played with his hair running my hand through it. "Can I have a kiss?" I asked. "Babe I don't want you getting sick." He croaked. "Well if I do then you can look after me." I said with a smirk. He smiled. I kissed his cheek. "Babe you missed." Mouse said pressing his lips to mine.

A/n: just want to say a massive thank you to kianathefunnyone for the love and support! Go follow her account and READ HER BONDI FANFICTION SHE HAS WROTE!!! Absolutely amazing stuff she has! I love it all!

Thank you all for the support with everything! Y'all amazing!


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