All lifeguards - Bert and Ernie

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Requested by @fanningchloe225

Your Name:
So today I planned to go down to the tower and visit the guys down at Bondi. My dad is a lifeguard. Deano. He's a great dad and just an amazing person in general. There were clouds in the sky as well as the sun but it was more clouds than sun.  I arrived at the tower walking straight in. "Hey, guys!" I said walking towards them all. "Y/n you're finally here!" Maxi said jumping up hugging me tight. He pulled away and sat back down. I felt hands come in contact with my shoulders making me jump. "Ahhh!" I said jumping away and turning around to see who it was. Jesse was standing there with a smirk on his face. "Only you." I said as we hugged. Hoppo walked into the tower. "Bert and Ernie. Oh and y/n." Hoppo said noticing Maxi and Jesse standing next to one another then seeing me as we all laughed. "Never a good thing to have you three together." He said shaking his head. I smiled. "Shall we go?" I asked. "Let's go." Jesse said as the three of us left the tower.

We walked down the beach for a bit but headed over to see my dad, Deano. In the corner of my eye I could see a guy with a dark hoodie on, with the hood up, following behind maxi, jesse and I. I brushed it off as we got closer to Deano. "Hey dad." I said giving him a hug. "Hey y/n. What you doing down here?" He asked. "Came to see you all and hang out with these two." I told him. "Bert and Ernie." Jethro said with a smile. "Right let's go." Maxi said slowly pulling me away. "Bye!" I said as we left and headed up to the pavilion. We reached a nice cafe where Maxi and Jesse went to go get drinks for us all.

There was no sign of that guy that was following me for sometime so I assumed he left the beach. I had a weird feeling that he didn't leave and was near by because I was so on edge. "Hey y/n here's your drink." Jesse said making me jump. "Are you ok? You don't seem alright." Maxi said handing me my drink. "Y-yeah I'm all good." I said looking behind me as we left and there was no sign of the guy. "I'll be right back I'm just putting this in the bin." I said heading towards the bin. As I place the empty drink into the bin someone came in contact with me with such force not letting me go.

I began to kick and throw my arms around hoping the person would let go. "Ahhh let go of me." I screamed but they didn't. Some of the public tried to get him off of me but he threatened them if they stepped closer to him. "Maxi!" I screamed hoping I caught his attention. Before I could think or say anything more he cover my mouth with his hand making it hard for me to breath. My arms hurt from him twisting them and what also he kicked my legs in causing me to fall to the floor. I'm pretty sure my legs broke. It all went so quickly because before I knew it my whole world went black aka I passed out.

Maxi's POV:
Y/n left to go to the bin but didn't return which was odd. We heard screams coming from the public and them trying to pull this guy off of someone. "Maxi!" I heard y/n scream. Immediately Jesse and I knew it was her. We ran over as fast as we could managing to get the guy off of her. I helped y/n out while Jesse held the guy back. We called for back up and they soon came along with the police and the ambulance crew shortly behind them.

Y/n was laying there unconscious on the floor while the ambo crew began to work on her. "Someone get Deano." I said to one of the guys.

Deano's POV:
There was a commotion going on up by the pavilion. I was curious to find out what it was but I had to stay down on the beach as it was my duty to patrol this area. My radio went off.

*bondi central to Deano*

*come in*

*we need you up at the pavilion immediately. Y/n is hurt*

*im on my way over now*

Oh no. My heart began to race as all I could think of was the worst. I got to the top just in time as the ambo crew were loading her onto the ambulance. "Hey I'm her dad. Is she going to be ok?" I asked trying not to cry. "She's unconscious and is breathing so if you follow us up to the hospital we can tell you the rest." One of the crew member's said. I nodded my head heading to my car and making my way to the hospital.

Your POV:
All in sight was the hospital ceiling. Nothing else just plain white panels. I just hope my dad isn't freaking out. I'm currently in a neck brace with blocks either side of my head and tape across my forehead and chin to keep my head still. Oh and I'm laying on a spinal board as well. "Miss Gladstone?" A nurse said. "Yes." I replied. "Some of your friends and family are here to see you." He said. I smiled. "Thank you." I said and soon hearing footsteps come walking into the room.

It was silent for a few minutes. "Y/n?!" Dad said. "Heyyyy." I said with a bit of sarcasm in my voice. "What happened?" Deano asked. "From what I can remember some guy in a dark hoodie kept following me around the beach. I went to put my empty cup in the bin when a guy came up and attacked me. I've got a broken arm and a broken ankle as that's what the doctor told me." I explained the best I could. "I'm just glad you're awake and still alive because when I saw you earlier you were unconscious." He explained. "This all started just because I went to put a cup in the bin." I said looking up at the ceiling. "It's not your fault y/n. The guy has been arrested so the police want to take a statement when you're feeling better. Maxi and Jesse are here to see you." Deano said.

Dad moves out of shot. "Bert and Ernie!" I said as they both appeared from either side of me. "Thanks for saving my life! I owe you guys something." I told them both. "No you don't. You don't owe us anything. Just you being here is what we need." Maxi said. "Just glad you're still here." Jesse said. "Well next time you'll have to escort me to the bin." I said giggling a little. "Aha oh for sure." Maxi said. I'm so glad I have great friends that help me through things like this. Also the best dad.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

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