Jake - Phone Call - Pt.2

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Your POV:
Months went by and my beautiful daughter was born. Willow Ivy Nolan. I used Jake's last name because she is his child and technically we never broke up. We're just on some what of a break. I stayed in the UK for longer than I anticipated. I was only staying there for about 6 months but stayed there for just over a year. But now it's time to head back to Australia.

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Willow and I have been back in Australia for about a week now. We were currently staying in an air bnb until we could find ourselves a place to live. It's now time to go to the tower to see Jake. Willow is now 1 and it's gone by fast. Too fast. The birth went well and she was healthy. While I was in the uk, Mouse kept in contact with me as he helped me through it all. Mouse invited me to the tower to see Jake and for him to meet his daughter.

It was a nice day down at bondi. A perfect day for Willow and I. We made our way to the beach and to go to the tower. Willow wanted to walk a bit so I let her but after a few steps she gave up so I carried her into the tower. We got in getting greeted by mouse and Jake was not here. I was standing by Mouse as the door opened. Hoppo walked out from behind with Jake following behind. "Y/n?" Hoppo said in disbelief. Jakes head quickly looked up. "Y/n?" He said in shock. "That's me." I said smiling as I held Willow against my hip. "Good to see you." Hoppo said coming over giving me a side hug. "And who is this little one then?" He said making Willow laugh. I was about to say something but Hoppo said something instead. "She looks like a spitting image of Jake." Hoppo said. Jake couldn't keep his eyes off of us both. "Jake is the father." Mouse said for me. It went silent. "The phone call?" Reidy asked as it all came flooding back to me. "Oh my god! You told me you were pregnant." Jake said. I nodded my head.

Willow was hugging me as she was a little nervous as there was quite a few people around. "Dada." Willow said. She must've been a little confused. "That's dada." I said point at Jake. She wanted to come down from my hip so I placed her on the floor. Jake got down to Willow's level. She took a few steps and landed in Jakes arms where he picked her up and hugged her tight. I made sure I caught it all on camera. Jake and Willow bonded for sometime which was a sight to see. "We need to talk y/n." Jake said as he stood by me. "You two go. We've got the tower." Hoppo said. "Thanks Hoppo." I said smiling. We said bye to them all as we headed out of the tower. Jake was carrying Willow.

We took a seat on a bench by the pavilion which looked out onto the beach. "Jake we never actually broke up." I told him. He looked over at me. "We didn't? I thought you just left me and that was it." He said. "Jake I can't just leave the father of my child like that. You knew I was going to England that evening and I had no choice to leave. We never broke up and I'm happy that you accepted me back." I said to him. "Of course y/n. You're the one who had Willow and she's my daughter. I'll always love you both." Jake said sitting closer to me. Willow was sat on his lap. We leaned over and quickly placed a kiss on one another's lips. "I've missed that." He said smiling. "Me too." I said smiling back. "Come back and stay with me." Jake asked. "Of course." I said making him smile. We're one happy family.

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