Whippet - CPR

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Requested by @Emxly0912

Emily's POV:
My boyfriend and I walked down to the tower hand in hand together to start our shift. "Ready for today?" Whippet asked. I looked up at him. "Of course because I'm with you." I told him as we walked closer towards the tower. "I love you Emily." He said. "I love you too Ryan." I said as we hugged. We quickly kissed and had to go into professional mode. "Alright love birds let's get to work." Jesse said patting Whippet's shoulder as he walked into the tower making us both laugh.

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Whippet and I were paired up for the morning so we headed down to the north end for our shift in the rhino. We had to tell a few of the swimmers to come back in and to swim between the red and yellow flags. Whippet did a few rescues and I did too. There was a guy in the water who clearly didn't need rescuing. "Mate place you're feet on the floor it's not that deep." Whippet said to the guy but he wasn't having any of it. I sighed. "I'll go in." I said taking my top off and grabbing my board. I paddled over towards the man who clearly didn't need rescuing but insisted on getting help. As I got to him he was acting odd. "Get on." I told him. He jumped on but in the process, his arms pushed me off causing me to fall under the board. I swam up to the top but my head hit the board with a force. All I saw was the guy heading back to shore on the blue board before I blacked out.

Whippet's POV:
Emily went out to rescue a guy that didn't really need rescuing. He was honestly being a pain. Someone else could've needed rescuing but he was wasting our time. I watched closely as she got to the guy. He was acting off. As he got on the board Emily fell off the board and never returned to the surface. "No Emily!" I pleaded and ran out into the water while the guy returned to the shore. I'm pretty sure one of the others saw it from the tower and came down to assist.

What felt like ages I got to Emily and pulled her up from the water. She was looking grey. I checked her pulse and I couldn't find it. She also wasn't breathing. "No! No! No! Emily!" I exclaimed hoping for a response but didn't get one. I did the 3 pumps in the air for the others in the tower so they could bring the defib down for when I returned to the beach. I placed my hands on her chest and began chest compressions. Mouse came out to help me as he was soon by my side. We slowly and carefully bought Emily back to the beach bringing her up away from the water.

The two of us were working on her for what felt like hours. A few of the others, Singlets, Jesse, Harries, Reidy and Hoppo were all down to help us both. The ambo was on its way thankfully. I was still doing chest compressions but I was a wreck. "Emily. Come on baby. Breathe!" I cried with tears falling down my cheeks as I carried on the chest compressions. "Whippet let me take over." Mouse said getting his hands ready. "No." I cried and carried on. Mouse pulled me away and took over until the ambo got here. Mouse began to do mouth to mouth to help her but I soon realised that he had peanuts for lunch. "Mouse you had peanuts for lunch right?" I asked. "Yes." He said. "Emily is allergic to them." I said. Before he could say anything the ambo crew arrived taking over. "She's allergic to peanuts and one of us had peanuts for lunch and we obviously had to do mouth to mouth so we think she's also having an allergic reaction." I explained. They gave her some medications for everything that was going on. "Can we get the crowd to back up please?" I asked Hoppo and Reidy. They began to move the crowd away. "We have a pulse. She's breathing." One of them said making me sigh in relief.

It felt like hours for Emily to breath again but it had only been 10 to 15 minutes. "I'm so sorry mate I didn't even know she was allergic to peanuts." Mouse said placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's ok I'm just glad she's going to be ok." I sighed in relief knowing she's going to be ok. Emily was placed on a stretcher and stretchered off to the ambo. "Go with her. She needs you." Harries said patting my shoulder. I thanked ever single one of them before getting into the ambo and heading off to the hospital. Emily was ok. She's doing fine and I'm glad she's here with us now. I can't thank my team for helping me get her back. I owe everything to them for saving the love of my life.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting.

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