Whippet - I need you now

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Your POV:
My world has come crashing down on me over the past few days. I've been having bad days for no reason.?It's all too much. I can't deal with it anymore. My mental health hasn't been the best too. I've been really down and it's been very hard for me to keep smiling and be happy all the time. When I see Ryan I smile and I'm happy but deep down I'm sad and hurting. Ryan makes me happy he's shown me what real love is and he'll always make me happy. I love him.

Ryan needs to know about my current situation. I can't keep it from him he needs to know. "Ryan?" I called as he walked into the bedroom. "Yes babe." He replied taking a seat on the bed next to me. "I have something to tell you." I said sitting up. "Ok." He said giving me his full attention. I fiddled with my thumbs for a bit and he grabbed them holding my hands tight. I took a deep breath. "Well for a few months now I've kept my feeling and everything to myself *sighs* i know we promised to not keep anything from one another but I- I." I said before bursting into tears. "It's hard baby. It's hard to stay happy all the time. I can't keep showing the world my smile when deep down I'm sad and down. I just want to cry and scream. I'm just sad for a reason I'm not sure about." I sobbed. "Y/n. I will always love you no matter what or how you feel. I'm always going to be here for you through thick and thin. Baby you're strong. It's ok to feel sad and have days where all you want to do is cry and scream. It's ok to not be ok. Just promise me you'll tell me next time when you feel like this so I can help you." Ryan said. I smiled. "I promise." I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder.

- - - -

A few weeks passed when I told Ryan about how I feel. From then I've had really good days and some not so good and today's as one of those days where I needed him the most. I picked up my phone wiping the tears from my cheeks ringing his number.


Hey baby what's up?
Ryan I need you. *begins to cry* I can't deal with this. I need you to help me.
Baby shh... take deep breaths for me. In and out. In and out. I'm coming right over.
This sucks so much. God I'm so stupid. I'm being ridiculous.
Y/n! You are not stupid or being ridiculous. You need me and don't ever call yourself that again. You're better than that.
Please hurry.
Baby I'm coming as fast as I can. I love you so much.
I love you too.
See you in a bit ok bye.

Ryan's POV:
I was sat in the tower when my phone was going off. It was y/n. I could immediately tell she was crying. I was slouched on my seat but when I answered the phone I sat up quickly. She wasn't ok. She needed my and I was going to be there for her. "Sorry lads I need to go. Something to do with Y/n and she needs me." I told them. "Go mate." Maxi said patting my back as I left. I made my way home as quick as I could.

Your POV:
I'm a mess. An absolute mess. Ryan was on his way back to the apartment so he shouldn't be long. I was sat on the sofa with my head in my hands trying to calm myself down. The front door opened and in walked Whippet. He placed his phone and keys down quickly. I stood up walking over to him as her immediately pulled me in for a hug. One arm was wrapped around my waist pulling me close and the other held my head as I rested it in the crook of his neck. Tears fell down my cheeks as I couldn't contain my emotions and he could tell they were. "Let it out baby. It's ok to cry." He said softly. I cried for what felt like hours.

- - - -

I must've fell asleep as I woke up in Ryan's arms. He was awake. Ryan looked down as I moved a bit and a smile came across his face. "Feeling any better babe?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Much better because I have you here with me now." I said looking into his eyes. "Aw babe you're too sweet." He said placing his lips to mine.  I smiled into the kiss. "Did you stay awake this whole time that I was asleep for?" I asked. "No I fell asleep too but woke up about 15 minutes before you." He said. At least he got some sleep in. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked putting some of my hair behind my ear. "I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I'm not even sure. I just think all my emotions got to me and decided to come crushing down on me. Also the amount of work I have to do is insane." I said fiddling with my fingers again. "Take a brake babe. I'm sure it won't hurt to leave it for a while. Taking care of yourself is more important than a piece of paper. Let me help you with it, I'm sure I could help somehow and help you get through this." He said. "Sure but it's really hard and confusing." I said with a small giggle. Ryan kisses the side of my head as we hugged for some more. The two of us watched movies for the rest of day curled up together.

A/n: hey so I didn't update yesterday so sorry about that aha well the reason being is I just didn't have any motivation to write. I have ideas already planned out it's just me trying to write them but I just can't motivate myself to write them but I promise they'll get done once I have the motivation to write them but anyways hope you like this!

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