Troy - credit card

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Your POV:
Troy had a day off and today we were going shopping. We were mainly clothes shopping as that's what I needed the most. I also wanted to get some dresses for evenings out, weddings or just to wear in general. I walked into one store immediately picking up T-shirts and jumpers oh and some trousers. We spent a good 30 minutes in that shop before we headed to go pay for the items. Troy also picked up a few things. We got to the counter placing our clothing down.

I pulled out my card to pay for the items but Troy's hand beat me to it. He pulled his card back smiling. I turned my head looking at him in shock. He collected the bag from the worker and took my hand leading me out of the shop. "Troy?" I said as we walked hand in hand. "Yes baby." He said with a smirk. "I could've payed for it myself." I pouted. "Nope it's my treat." He said kissing my hand making me blush.

- - - -

Troy bought himself somethings too. We went into the final shop for the day. Another clothes shop. We both looked through the dress section. Troy helped me pick out a few dresses but I narrowed it down to 3. "I'll go try these on. Be back soon." I said leaving my bag with him and heading to the changing room. I walked out of the changing room with one of the dresses on. This is the first one:

"Damn my baby girl is beautiful

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"Damn my baby girl is beautiful." He said making me blush. I smiled then twirled around for him. "I'm really liking this one." I told him as I looked in the mirror. "Well I love it." He smirked coming up behind me. "I've two more." I told him walking back to the changing room. I walked out in the second dress:

 I walked out in the second dress:

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"My baby girl is perfect." He said. "Troy!" I exclaimed as he made me blush even more. "Right now onto the final one." I said kissing his cheek walking back into the changing room. The third dress was a little revealing.

"You look amazing but I don't want anyone else looking at you but me, you're mine

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"You look amazing but I don't want anyone else looking at you but me, you're mine." He told me. I smiled placing a hand on his chest. "I'm all yours." I told him. "I think I'm going to get the all." I told him. Troy smiled. I know that smile. I walked back into the changing room and got out of the dress.

Troy was waiting for me as I walked out with the 3 dresses. I headed over to the counter ready to buy them when Troy stepped in buying them for me once again. Once it was all paid for we walked out of the shop and headed back to the car. "Troy I have money you know. I could've paid for them myself." I explained. "I know baby but it's my treat for you." He said hugging me from the side.

He insisted on taking ALL of my bag and carrying them to the car. We made it to the car and I leaned in to kiss him but he pulled away placing the bags down. Troy picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. "That's better." He whispered before kissing me. "Let's get home." I told him as we placed the bags in the car before getting ourselves into the car and heading home.

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