Hoppo - Attack

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Requested by @Kaytee_boo

Kate's POV:
The beach was busy today. There was no surprise with that one. I bought my surfboard down with me as I planned to surf a bit. The water was nice and cool also the waves were good which meant it was going to be good surf. There was quite a few surfers around. I was laying down on my board paddling out when I felt a sharp pain come from my arm. I looked down seeing some blood and something attached to my arm. I started to shake my arm to get whatever the thing on my arm was off. By this time my legs were on my board and my injured arm held to my chest tightly. "Help!" I screamed and someone nearby came over to my rescue. "My arm." I said wincing in pain. What I didn't realise it was a lifeguard who came to my rescue. "My name is Jethro just take deep breaths and we'll get you back to sure." He said. Jethro did some sort of signal and we slowly began to make our way back to the beach. A jet ski went out to patrol the area.

Hoppo's POV:
I was sat in the tower looking out across the beach. My radio went off.

*singlets to central*

*come in*

*there has been a shark sighting just by the rocks. Jethro is coming in with a girl who by the looks of things has been attacked.*

*I'm going to sound the shark alarm and get her arm wrapped so she doesn't lose blood ambo is on its way*

I pressed the shark alarm and went off causing everyone in the water to scramble out. As Singlets was radioing in I was on call to the ambo so that was on its way. I really hope the girl is ok.

Kate's POV:
Jethro and I made our way to the shore and some other lifeguards came over trying to stop the bleeding. They helped me onto the back of the rhino and rushed me up to the tower. We got in and they got me onto the bed making sure I was ok every minute. "Hey, I'm Hoppo. We're going to take good care of you. Hang in there." He said placing his hand on my shoulder. I believed him. "What's your name?" He asked. "Kate." I said. "Kate you're going to be ok." Hoppo reassured me. The ambo arrived taking me to the hospital and where I was rushed into emergency surgery.

Hoppo's POV:
The beach soon closed and I grabbed my things. Kate has been on my mind all day so I thought I would go see her in the hospital. I arrived at the hospital and walked up to the desk. "Hey someone called Kate came in earlier who had been attacked by a shark. I was wondering if I could see her?" I asked not actually sure what to say. "She is currently in surgery but I'll tell the doctors to come to see you when shes ok." The receptionist told me. "Thank you." I said walking to the waiting room. Minutes went by and it felt like ages. I paced back and forth in the waiting room waiting for Katie to come out of surgery. A doctor walked over and I stood up. "The surgery was successful. We saved her arm and nows she's waking up in recovery. You can go see her now." He said leading me to go see her. "Thank you doc." I said as we arrived at her room. Kate was sat there wide awake.

Kate's POV:
I was shocked to see Hoppo here. "Hey." I said to him. "Hey Kate. So glad you're ok. I was worried." Hoppo said. "Thank you. It was scary." I told him. The shark was only a small one but it did catch my arm. "The doctor said it was a deep laceration and they had to stitch up some bits but my arm is ok." I explained. "That's what we like to hear." Hoppo said. We talked for hours until Hoppo had to leave. We became good friends and began to hang out more.

A/n: hope you liked this! Thank you for requesting.


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