Deano - Daughter

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Your POV:
Tomorrow is the day that I surprise my dad. I'm so excited to see him again. I landed back in Australia with my friend. It was late in the evening, around 11:30pm so it was best if I stayed with my friend instead of coming home now. "I'm going to be staying with you till tomorrow." I said reminding her. "Okie dokie." She said. Her mum was picking us up from the airport and going back to hers. She soon arrived and we spent the rest of the night talking and soon falling asleep around 2am.

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I decided to surprise my dad from being away (aka visiting another country) for about a month. He works as a lifeguard down at Bondi. I flew in the night before and stayed with a friend till the next day.

I packed my things and placed them by the door before leaving. "Thank you for letting me stay." I said giving hugs out. "Thank you for staying. Also I hope surprising your dad goes well." Y/bf/n said. We said our goodbyes and I headed off to the beach where my dad was working as I made sure he was working today.

I made sure it was ok with Hoppo before walking into the tower. He decided to come with me. We made my way towards the tower hoping my dad was there. Hoppo walked in. "Is Deano there?" He said. "Yeah I'm here." Deano said. Hoppo walked out from behind the medical area with Deano looking at him. "Someone is here to see you." He said smiling. I walked out from behind and in eye shot of my dad. "Y/n!" He said walking down to hug me. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. "I thought you weren't coming back for another few weeks." He said. I smiled. "Well I thought I would cut the trip short and come home to surprise you." I said making him smile. "Well I'm glad you're back now." Deano said. I stayed with him for the rest of his shift and soon we went home.

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