Jake - lost arm

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Requested by @onlymackay

Natalie's POV:
Jake and I headed down to the beach. He had to work and I just went down to surf. Jake held my board for me and walked down towards the water with me. I took the board from him and we said our goodbyes for the day. The water was nice today. The surf was great. I caught a few waves. I was paddling to catch a wave and felt a tug followed by an intense wave of pain flood through my whole body. I lifted both of my arms and feet to my board noticing all the blood and only half of my left arm. I screamed so loud that everyone near me stared. "SHARK!" One of them shouted. The message got back to the tower and soon I heard the shark alarm go off.

In the distance a jet ski came towards me. "Hey hop on." They said. "I can't. My arm." I cried and he looked down.

*whippet to central... the shark has attacked the girl. The ambo is needed. She has lost the bottom half of her left arm*

*bring her in immediately and we'll get everything we can to help her while we wait for the ambo*

The guy helped me onto the ski. "I'm whippet. Hold on for us." He said helping me. "I'm Natalie." I said softly. "Wait your Jake's girlfriend?" He said in disbelief. "Yeah." I said in pain. Whippet got us back to the sand where the others met us there. Chappo, Harries and Deano helped me off. "Someone notify Jake." Hoppo said as he walked closer. They had to block off the area from the public so we could get some privacy. I kept wanting to look down at my arm. "Hey Natalie don't look at your arm ok." Deano said. I could tell by his facial expression that it wasn't good.

Jake's POV:
I was in the tower with Jethro, Troy and some others.

*its natalie!*

I looked at Jethro and he looked at me. "I'm on my way down." I said grabbing my things.

*jake's on his way down*

I heard Jethro say as I ran out of the tower. A million thoughts ran through my mind as I ran down to the scene. The crew arrived just as I did. I had to comfort Natalie as she's my everything and she needed to be calm and not stress. I saw her arm and felt a little sick but I didn't let that get to me. She looked so hurt.

Natalie's POV:
There was blood everywhere. "My arm hurts so bad." I told them. "Ok the ambo has just turned up." Harries said. The crew came down. There was quite a few of them. They gave me so pain meds and did what they could to stable me.

I looked up seeing Jake run towards me. He stopped in front of me kneeling down to my level. "Natalie look at me." Jake began. He had tears in his eyes. I looked him in the eyes. "It's going to be ok. If it's not then we'll get through this. You're strong and with us all by your side you can do it." Jake explained. I smiled weakly. "I love you Natalie. I really do!" He added. I looked at him with a smile. "Y-you love me?" I asked. "Yes baby." He said cupping my face in his hands. "I love you too Jake." I told him making him smiled. Jake had tears falling down. He rested his head against his my forehead. "We've got this." He whispered gently place his lips onto mine.

The ambo crew got me onto a stretcher and onto the ambulance. "I love you baby." I heard Jake say as the doors of the ambo shut. "I love you too." I whispered as we drove off to the hospital.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

This is the last requested imagine for a while!

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