Lachie - Heartbeat

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Lachie's POV:
Y/n was asleep in the hospital bed as she was tired out after a long couple of days but recently hours. Our beautiful baby girl came into the world at 4:35am this morning. This is the best day of my life. Y/n would agree. My second best day of my life was marrying her.

When I saw our baby for the first time on the ultrasound my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe it. That was my baby in there. Our baby. She was so small but grew so quick. The time when by fast. When I heard her heart beat I had tears fall down my cheeks and honestly I was so happy finding out about the baby. Also when we found out the gender I was over the moon knowing it was a girl. Another one to spoil. Not complaining though.

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Y/n slept while I had some skin on skin time with our daughter. We named her Aurora. Aurora McArther. She's a miracle. "You're going to look so much like your momma." I told her as I bopped her nose softly. She's so gorgeous just like her momma. "I hope you love her as much as I do." I said just admiring Aurora. Being a first time dad and first time parents is the best feeling on the planet. It means we can learn and grow with our daughter.

I can't thank y/n for being so strong and push a human out of her. "Momma will hold you and she'll help you. I will too but mummy's the one to go to first." I whispered. Aurora opened her eyes for a few seconds before closing them again. "I'm always going to be here if you need me baby girl so whatever you need I'll be there." I said kissing the top of her head.

Just thinking about the future with her is just something I'm looking forward for. "You'll always be my baby even when your 18 years old." I whispered. "Oh and no boys. Not till your older anyways. I'm not letting you date till you're way older baby girl." I said seriously. Giggling came from across the room. I looked up seeing y/n, wide awake and a nurse looking over at me. "I'm here just to finish up some checks on baby Aurora." The nurse said as I handed her over. I walked over to y/n's bed. "Oh baby. You're going to be a great father to her." Y/n said to me. I smiled kissing the top of her head. "I'm ever so proud of you babe." I told her as we shared a hug before Aurora was placed back into y/n's arms. We're one perfect little family.

A/n: I feel like I keep writing about babies but the thing is I have so many ideas to do with babies 😂 I'm sorry if it's annoying 😂 I should just write a book about it all aha! e.g. like this one and just anything with babies/kids in! (Thoughts?)

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