Maxi - feisty

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Your POV:
Some girl kept following me today. I just had this feeling. Not a good feeling. "Maxi I feel like someone's following us." I told him as we walked across the pavilion. "I'm sure it's no one." He said hugging me from the side as we walked hand in hand.

The day went by and that feeling didn't leave. Maxi went off to get us both drinks and I told him I would be by the tower. As I turned there was a girl, around my age, standing in front of me with her arms crossed. I walked around her only to be followed by her. I stopped in front of the tower turning around immediately. "Can I help you?" I asked nicely. "You stole my man. You took him from me!" She screamed at me. "Wait what?!" I said in confusion.

She had an evil smirk on her face like she was up to no good. "You heard me. I want Maxi back. He loves me not you. You mean nothing to him." She said and I just rolled my eyes. Clearly she's not over him. "Look Maxi has moved on and isn't interested in you. Maybe you should move on too." I suggested to her. "How dare you say that? He's not over me!" She screamed. I flinched.

Maxi walked back with two drinks in his hands. I gave him a look. "Leah?" Maxi said in disbelief. "Maxi so good to see you! I was just talking to y/n here." She said with a sweet smile. "Leah what are you doing here?" He asked. "Oh I just came to see you and wanted to ask you something." She sad clearly trying to flirt with him. I scoffed and that's when she gave me a glare.

Maxi handed me my drink as we both took a sip trying to ignore the girl. "Just leave us alone please. We don't want anything to do with you." I told her. "How would you know? I've know maxi longer than you and he's loved me longer than you so I would shut up if I were you!" Leah exclaimed. I rolled my eyes again. "You're ugly anyways. I don't see what he sees in you." She sniggered. That was it. I handed my drink back to Maxi and I walked close to her. "Well if I'm honest I don't see what he saw in you." I said with a smirk.

She looked like she wanted to scream. "Ugh you ruin everything. You're a bitch." She screamed slapping me. A few of the lifeguards came out. Jesse, Glick and Mario walked out and stood by Maxi. I gasped. "Your just that crazy ex everyone knows about." I said between gritted teeth. I knew I could've slapped her there and then but violence isn't the key. Maxi's arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back into him. "Let me go. I'll have her." I pleaded as I tried to get out of Maxi's grip. "Come on." He said pulling me away. "I would've punched her." I mumbled to myself. "I know you would." Maxi said hearing what I said. We walked away before causing anything else.

The two of us walked into the tower. I sighed. "Damn maxi! You've got a feisty one." Whippet said making everyone laugh. Maxi chuckled. I gave them glares. "Come on love let's go home." Maxi said taking my hand. "See you tomorrow." He told the others as we left for home. "That was hot what you did out there." He said smirking. I blushed. "Stop it." I laughed as we walked home.

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