Beardy - someone like you

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Your POV:
It's the start of a new day. New shift new me. Well kinda. I've been working as a lifeguard down at bondi for nearly 2 years now. Back in my hometown I was a lifeguard for the local beach and then when I heard that bondi was looking for some new traniee lifeguards I jumped at the offer.

It was a very hot day and I could've just sat in the freezer to cool down. I headed down to the tower nice and early. "Morning all." I said to the ones who were in the tower. "Morning." They mumbled and groaned. Clearly they're not morning people. "Cheer up lads. We've got a long shift today." I told them. They weren't amused. I rolled my eyes.

The day went by and it go hotter and hotter. Beardy and I headed up into the tower after being on rhino duty for a while.

Daniel's POV:
Ever since y/n joined the team I've always felt like we've got a connection. We get on well and always have a laugh. She makes me happy and smile. She's just perfect to me. We both were sat up in the tower waiting for the next rescue or enquire to come up to the door. I had a question I wanted to ask her. "Have you liked someone before but too scared to say anything?" I asked her. "All the time Beardy." She said with a smile. "Same." I replied. Damn it. It's hard to tell someone like her how you feel. Why is it so hard?!

Harrison's POV:
Y/n and Daniel clearly like one another. You can tell. The way they laugh at what each other says and the way they look at one another. I couldn't help but over hear their conversation from the other side of the tower. The two of the were talking about a serious thing well kinda. I was sat near Jethro. "I'm never going to hear the end of this from Beardy." I groaned placing my hands over my face. "They should just kiss already." I added moving my hands. Jethro laughed and that was that. It was true I never heard the end of it.

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