00: AJ

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     Billy and Sarah Black were in love, Sarah being Billy's imprint. They dated and we'd, then Sarah fell pregnant with their eldest daughter. Rebecca Black. Both parents adored her. Billy and Sarah had another daughter a few laters later, they named her Rachel.

When Billy quit phasing, he and Sarah had a set of twins. Jacob and Abigail.

When Jacob and AJ were kids, Billy and Sarah were in a car accident. They were headed to Port Angeles for their date night, the kids were at the Altera home, hanging out with Quill, the boy their age.

Abigail Joan Black, AJ for short, is Jacob Black's twin sister. She isn't close to any of his buddies, her best friend is actually Leah Clearwater. Leah might be a few years older than her, but the pair get along perfectly. 

AJ and Jacob get along for the most part but not always, but then again, they are siblings. What siblings don't fight sometimes?

Rebecca moved to Hawaii, she got married and has two kids. Jordan and Munro Panamer. Rachel's living at home, she's dating Paul Lahote.

AJ and Billy are real close. She's a huge daddy's girl, always has been. Especially since the accident.

On their way to Port Angeles, Sarah and Billy were in a car accident; Sarah didn't make it and Billy landed in a wheel chair, the accident having paralyzed him.

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