23: Rosalie's Story

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((( Italics means flashbacks)))

Abigail is back at the Cullens the following day, she's on the balcony with Rosalie. They're bonding. Even though Rosalie normally despises the wolves, the stunning blonde adores Abigail because of how much a part of the family she is and how mush Jasper loves her. Bella stems outside.

"Go blather to someone else about becoming a newborn," Rosalie says with a snarl toward Bella as Abi looks bay the brunette human.

"Ah, Rosalie..." Bella says hesitantly. "I don't understand what I did.... why you hate me so much."

Rosalie's face confronts before she turns her head half way to look at the human. "I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you, but..." Rose turns back around to where she is no longer facing Isabella. "Bella..." the blonde says in a soft voice as she looks down. "I envy you."

"What?" Bella asks, genuinely surprised. "That's ridiculous."

"No, it's not," Rosalie says quickly, Jasper is keeping an eye on AJ from the trees. "You have a choice." Rose turns her head half way once more. "I didn't. None of us did, but you do and you're choosing wrong." Rosalie is facing the human now, Abigail is nervously biting her nails. "I don't care how miserable your life is."

"My life is not miserable," Bella claims as she walks closer, AJ watches through her eyelashes. "It's not perfect." The human leans against the railing on the other side of Rosalie. "No body's life is perfect."

"Mine was," Rosalie replies as Abigail takes one of her hands, Rose squeezes it in comfort. "Absolutely perfect. There were things I still wanted. To be married to a nice husband with a house, waiting for my husband to come home. Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town.

Royce King and Rosalie are walking through a park, her arm hooked through his.
"I barely knew him," Rosalie says as rhe relives her memories. But I was young. I was in love with the idea of love. On the last night of my life..."

Rosalie is walking alone down the darkened streets of Rochester, New York.

"I left a friend's house late," Rosalie continues, still having a tight grip on AJ's hand. "I wasn't far from home."

Royce and his friends are on a corner of the street, laughing as he spots Rosalie.

"Hey, Rose!" Royce calls out from where he is with his buddies. "Come over here!" He hands a beer to one of his friends. "Hold this." Royce walks quickly across the street to where his Rosalie is. "Hey, come over here."

Rosalie walks over, unaware of Royce's true intentions.

"Come on," Royce urges. "We've been waiting for you." The man grabs Rosalie's hand and he leads her back to his friends quicker than she was walking.

"They left me in the street thinking I was dead," Rosalie tells Bella, Abigail knows the story but she is out here to support Rosalie. "And believe me, I wanted to be. Carlisle found me..."

"I'm sorry," Bella says in a soft voice, too.

"I got my revenge on them," Rosalie says, a bit stronger and she finally releases AJ's hand, she flexed her fingers a few times after Rosalie's tight grip. "One at a time." Rosalie is wearing a smirk. "Saved Royce for last."

Abigail sits on the steps around the back of the Cullens place, thinking about Rosalie's story. She had lied to Jasper. She wasn't really a Virgin when they slept together but that's the way AJ sees it. Considering the fact she was, like Rosalie, raped by multiple men when she was only fourteen.

No one but Rebecca and Sue knows about it. Sue was the doctor who made sure that Abigail was ok and std free, and not pregnant at such a young age.

AJ gasps when she looks up to find Edward staring at her.

Abigail frowns. "You saw?"

"You need to talk to Jasper," Edward tells her. "He deserves to know the truth, Abigail."

"I know," Abigail whispers. "Can you... can you send him out please?"

Edward places a hand on Abigail's shoulder and squeezes. "Of course." The vampire walks inside and Jasper soon returns."

"You lied to me?" Jasper asks, his eyes show how broken he is and Abigail feels it, and it breaks her heart. "Why... how could you lie to me about something like that?!"

Abigail flinches as Jasper's voice raises. "I... I'm sorry! I didn't want you to... want you to..."

"What me to what, Abigail?" Jasper snaps, his eyes turning black in anger.

"To look at me like you are now," Abigail whispers as Rosalie has a hand over her mouth, the blonde would be crying if she were a human. "With disgust, like you hate me now."

Jasper shakes his head and he grunts in anger. "I freaking LOVE you, Abigail Black, but I am very disappointed in you. You need to leave. I can't do this. You lied to me. I can't be with you."

"Jasper..." Abigail gasps.

Jasper looks at her with such anger and he flashes away. Abigail whimpers as her heart breaks and Rosalie quickly engulfs her in a hug. Abi breaks down into sobs as Rosalie rubs her back. Emmett growls in anger before he goes after Jasper.

"I have... I have to tell the back, dad, and ja... Jacob," Abigail says, trying to stop crying.

"I'll call Sam," Carlisle says gently from the balcony. "They'll get Billy to Sam and Emily's."

Abigail phases and Rosalie hugs the silver wolf around her neck as Jasper and Emmett return. A tear falls down the wolf's fur and Jasper storms inside. Emmett ruffles her fur.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you, AJ," Emmett whispers. "We'll handle Jasper. You go on to La Push."

Abigail rubs agaisnt Emmett's large body before she trots into the woods, her thoughts are loud, but not with her past. Paul's wolf is waiting waiting at the creek and when she crosses, Paul rubs against her wolf, Abigail whimpers.

Paul nudges her and asks, what's wrong? Why is Sam bringing your dad to his and Emily's?

Family meeting.

Even through mind-link, Abigail's voice breaks and Paul nudges her again before they run through the woods together.

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