50: Epilogue

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          Jasper had a house built down in Houston, Texas. Peter and Charlotte left before the newlyweds to get the honeymoon cabin set up for them. Jasper and Abigail walk around their reception.

Alastair pulls his friend into a hug as Leah congratulates Jasper. "You looked amazing tonight."

Abigail has changed into a white dress that reaches her knees and some white flats plus a denim half jacket. Kate wanders over before the newlywed can reply and hugs her.

"Congrats, Mrs. Abigail Hale," Kate whispers as Garrett watches from a distance. "Thank you all for taking Alastair in."

"We all deserve a second chance," Abigail muses and she sends Alastair a warm smile.

"The care is out front," Billy says as Charlie wheels him over.

Kate smiles and she walks over to her coven. Abigail pushes her father around front and she walks to his front and gives her dad a huge hug. While Esme and Carlisle have themselves a small home, Abigail and Jasper will be in the mansion with Rosalie, Emmett, Alastair.

Abigail kisses her dad's forehead before joining Jasper in the car, where he makes her get in first.
Rated R!!! Smut!

Jasper and Abigail enter the cabin down in Texas, careful to keep the humans form seeing the sparkles on Jasper's skin. Inside, the vampire kisses the wolf and pushes her yo agaisnt the door, and lifts her up.

Abigail's legs wrap around her husband's torso as he kisses down her jaw and down her neck, her heavy breathing already has the vampire going. Jasper simply nibbles on Abigail's neck, not fully biting, and he licks her skin before vamp speeding her to their bedroom.

Once she's on the bed, Jasper pulls the dress from her shoulders and arms, leaving it around her waist momentarily. Jas kisses up Abigail's flat torso as his cold hands gently run up the soft skin of Abigail's legs.

Jasper sits on his knees on the soft mattress and he he removes the fabric of Abigail's dress, her panties going along with it. This leaving his new wife fully exposed to him. Jasper bites his bottom lip as he simply examines Abi's beauty with his dark eyes.

Jasper removes jos vest and Abigail gets up on her knees. Jasper connects their lips again, his hands tangling in her loose hair as Abigail's hands stumble around with the buttons of his shirt but she manages to get them. By pulling back and grabbing each side of the collar, and rips. The buttons fly all over the wooden floors.

Jasper's eyes darken even more as a seductive growl leaves his throat. The sound alone is enough to make Abigail moan before she reaches down and slowly undoes Jasper's belt. Her speed is driving the vampire crazy, he knows this woman is taking her time on purpose.

Jasper pulls her up by her arms and he kisses her as he moves to where he is dominating once again. He stands and removes his trousers, and his tighty-whiteys all at once. This is a sight Abigail has seen a time or two, and as the sun hits Jasper's body from the window. This vampire couldn't look more perfect and drool worthy.

Jasper soon pistons himself in between again Abigail's legs and he moves inside her with one quick thrust.

Jasper and Abigail lay on the bed, on their backs. Abigail is truly out of breath. Yes, she and Jasper have had sex before but nothing compares for this. Nothing compares to the sex between newlyweds. The love making.

Abigail soon curls up to Jasper. His coldness and Abigail's hotness combined almost feels as if they're on fire but Abigail soon allows her eyes to flutter closed as she falls asleep in her husband's arms all the way in Houston, Texas.

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