34: Pack Meeting

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           Abigail struts into Emily's place in her party pants and a new red spaghetti strap tank top, plus her heels. Jared whistles at her.

"Hot damn, babygirl," Jared muses.

"We need a pack meeting," Abigail demands.

"I'll call Paul," Jared gets up.

"Embry and Jacob know what this is about, so does Quill,"Abigail tells him. "We need Paul, Leah, Seth, and our alpha here."

Jared nods and he heads toward the kitchen. AJ has been having anger tantrums lately, every little thing sets her off. It is just because of the rising numbers of vampries just a few hours away in Seattle, Washington.

"Paul is picking up Seth and Leah," Jared says. "I'll phase and get Sam."

"Thank you, Jared," Abigail says.

Jared kisses her head. "You look freaking beautiful babygirl," he says and he goes out to find Sam.

"Emily!" Abigail calls and the scarred up human comes downstairs. "Do you have any muffins made?"

"In the kitchen, dear," Emily says tiredly. "I'm going to go get my nap out."

"Go ahead, mama wolf," Abigail muses and she kicks off her heels by the door before walking barefoot into the kitchen.

"I missed the heels?" Paul's voice asks as he enters the house, leaning against the doorway as he looks at Abigail. "Rachel and I decided to just be friends."

"I'm sorry, Paul," Abigail says and tosses him a muffin. "Jared's getting Sam."

"I'll go have Seth and Leah come on inside then," Paul says before walking toward the front door.

Sam and Jared come in through the back door in just their cut off shorts. Sam kisses Abigail's head before he grabs a muffin.

"Where's Emily?" He asks the wolf next in line to be alpha after Paul.

"Napping," Abigail says. "We need this pack meeting. Alice had a vision."

Sam sighs and he nods. "Living room."

"What exactly did Cullen see?" Paul asks, he's sitting between Seth and Leah.

"The killings in Seattle are linked to a army of newborn vampires created by the red-headed bitch, Victoria," Abigail explains, she's sitting beside Jared on the loveseat. "The Cullens are going to go to Seattle, catch them there before they could even reach Forks but she had a vision tonight at the grad party."

Sam sits back in his arm chair and he runs his hand over his face. "What'd she see tonight?"

"They're not going to Seattle," Abigail says and Jared tenses beside her. "The army of newborn vampires are coming here. The Cullens would like our help I'm the fight. Jacob's stupid self jumped and said we were in but I called a pack meeting."

"Beta?" Sam looks at Jared.

Jared shrugs. "It helps Abi's imprint. And it protects the Rez and Forks."


"Hell yeah," Paul says proudly. "I want to kill me some vampires."

Abigail rolls her eyes. "Alpha? The real choice is yours, Sam."

"We're in," Sam says. "I'll call Carlisle about training times. Abi, I want you on patrol for the rest of the night with Paul and Seth."

Abigail nods and she goes out back with the boys. They all phase after stripping in the shrubs, and run off on their given patrol.

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