17: Jasper

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Abigail is sitting in Emily's Jeep outside of the Cullen household, she has been for the past ten minutes. She was so excited about meeting her imprint officially and now, now she's a blubbering idiot. She was stuttering like crazy at home, Jared was the one to call her a blubbering idiot.

A very buff vampire with golden eyes steps out and he smirks at the wolf, he sees the nerves as he walks over. "You ok out here? You comin' in?"

"I-i don't know," Abigail whispers. "I was so excited about meeting..."

"I know," he muses. "I'm Emmett."

"Abigail," she says and she finally gets out, but nearly falls on her wobbly legs.

"Easy," Emmett says as he catches her. "Come on in."

Abigail regains her posture and she follows Emmett into the beautiful home. The doctor and his wife are in the foyer on the main floor.

"This is Carlisle and Esme," Emmett introduces. "Our leaders, of parents."

Abigail swallows the lump in her throat and extends her hand. "I'm Abigail."

"Finally!" A voice sounds as a intimidatingly beautiful blonde comes downstairs. "I was beginning to wonder when you were going to come inside."

"Rose," Esme says scoldingly. "Abigail, this is Rosalie. She's Emmett's wife."

"And I'm Travis," the dark haired vampire with fashionable glasses comes downstairs. "Alice's husband."

"Come on, dear," Esme coos. "Let's get you to Jasper."

"He's hunting," Carlisle informs his wife. "Come on up, Abigail. We can talk until Jasper returns."

Carlisle explains the cold ones more in detail, in their own words. Carlisle's story is completely different than the story Billy and Harry told at the bonfires. Esme is leaning agaisnt a wall, she is smiling. She never expected Jasper's mate to show up. They all knew she was a wolf, though.

"What's goin...." the southern voice halts as Jasper enters and sees Abigail, and Jasper releases a sigh as he relaxes. "Abigail."

Abi tenses and suddenly grows nervous again. "Jasper."

"Come on," Rosalie urges her family. "Let's hunt, give them some privacy."

Carlisle, Esme, Travis, Emmett, and Rosalie all glee to hunt and meet Sam for the treaty update and for Seth and Leah to sign. Jasper walks over and he sits right beside Abigail.

The southern vampire carefully touches his hand to Abigail's hot face, his ice cold skin feels like an ice pack on a broken leg. Abigail lays her hand over Jasper's as they look into one another's eyes, unsure of what to say to each other.

Jasper pulls Abi's face in and he leans in, as well. Abigail holds her breath until Jasper finally closes the gap, and kisses her. Abigail breaths and she kisses Jasper back. Jasper's hold hand rests on Abi's left hip and he finally pulls away.

"Hello, ma'am," Jasper greets, his accent heavy and the southern twang sends Abigail through the roof. "It's about time we officially met."

"I believe so," Abigail replies, her voice soft as she grabs Jasper's hand and interlocks our fingers. "Will I... will I be able to cross the boarder whenever?"

"That's up to your tribe elders, Sam, and Carlisle," Jasper replies as he strokes his thumb over Abi's. "But I hope so. I don't know what I would do if we were distanced like that ever again."

Abigail nods in agreement; Jasper feels her calming down, which makes hi sigh in relief. Jasper doesn't want to manipulate Abi's emotions unless he has to and he's relieved he didn't have to today.

Jasper wraps an arm around Abigail and allows her to rest her head agaisnt his shoulder. The vampire exhales in relief at the smell of woods and the ocean. He doesn't smell wet dog like his family does when he's around Abigail. He smells the ocean and woods.

"About time," Emmett boasts as he and Rosalie enter. "I'm going upstairs."

Rosalie smiles tightly before walking upstairs after Emmett. Jasper keeps a tight arm around Abigail.

"You slept in my room while we were gone," Jasper whispers as he turns to face his beautiful mate.

"In wolf form," Abigail says. "Until I let myself get angry and phase in front of Bella. Sam had to put me on probation."

Jasper laughs, which is a rare sound to the family. "You have to obey your alpha, Abigail Black."

"Guys," Esme says as she walks in with the newspaper. "Did you guys see this?"

Abigail grabs the paper and reads about some killings in Seattle, just a few hours away. "Not until now." She hands it to Jasper and she stands. "I better go home before Sam has my head."

Esme smiles. "You come back anytime. Sam is talking to the elders." 

Abigail nods and she leaves. Jasper catches up to her in vamp speed and he gives her one more kiss. Jasper pushes a strand of hair back and he goes back into the woods. Abigail drives Emily's Jeep back home and enters.

"Hey, babygirl," Jared greets from beside Kim. "How'd it go?"

"It was amazing!" Abigail coos. "Jasper's amazing."

Jared smiles proudly. "Go to bed; Sam will fill you in on your ability to cross the boarder in the morning."

Abigail nods and she runs upstairs. She dresses in some black pajama pants and a brown tank top before collapsing into bed. AJ is actually quick to fall asleep, and she's wearing a large smile on her face. Dreaming about Jasper.

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