38: Pain

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         Abigail's wolf stands right beside Paul's, the pack is behind a rock, prepared to jump in a sneak attack. Sam snaps at his following commands, telling them to wait for his command.

On the other side of the rock, the Cullens are all fighting along one another, killing newborn vampires. No one lets the other go down. Sam nods toward his pack and they jump over the rock, surprising several of the human eaters.

Abigail is angry because Bella caused this and this battle is the perfect opportunity to subdue to the anger. She growls as she sees a male coming straight at her, jobs crimson eyes say he's the foe, not a friend.

The silver wolf leaps forward and uses her heft jaw to rip his head off. No one is focusing on her which is good bevauxe they need to focus on one thing and one thing only: Survival. They need to focus on their own survival and not Abigail.

Abi lungs herself at a female newborn this time and this ones actually puts up a fight. That only makes this much, much funner.

Taking your anger out on the enemy, good, Paul mind-links as he and Emmett help one another.

Abigail rushes over and she kills a vampire that almost gets Esme, leaving the other behind. She returns to her and kills it after Esme goes to help Carlisle. 

The Cullens are burning bodies of newborns,
I long them up and burning them. A staff newborn is out and Leah goes after it.

"Leah, don't!" Edward demands.

Abigail runs out of the woods and she tackles the vampire off her best friend. She fights the wolf, still blowing off steam, especially at the sight of Bella Swan. Instead of killing it, the vampire gets its arms around Abigail and squeezes.

Paul growls dangerously as he runs up and he rips the vampries to shreds. Abigail screams as she phases back, not caring if she's naked in front of everyone. Jacob is the first one by her side and he touches her sweaty face, tears filling his eyes.

"Abigail!" Leah scolds as the pack surrounds Abigail as Carlisle examines her. "I had him."

"Leah," Paul growls out in warning.

"Her entire right set of ribs is shattered," Carlisle explains. "I need to rebreak them before the speedy recovery begins, which it already has."

"The pack needs to get out of here," Edward says. "The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves."

The pack all very carefully pick up Abigail after Sam tells the coven they're taking her to her house, Billy's.

"We've got you, babygirl," Jared whispers by her head.

"We have you," Paul says as they venture into the woods.

The pack all sits outside of Billy's. Sue is standing with her hand on Billy's shoulder. Carlisle is in with her now. Jasper's here, waiting. As Bella gets there, Abigail screams in pain. Billy squeezes his eyes shut as Sue squeezes his shoulder, the elder Black grips her hand.

"Bella, you shouldn't be here," Paul says from beside the door, each pack member looks beyond worried, even Leah. "Abigail can't phase for a while and her temper isn't under control yet."

"Where's Jacob?" Bella demands, she doesn't care about Abigail.

"In the shed," Jasper says and he grimaced as Abigail screams once more, he's in pain because she is. "He couldn't stand to be out here for this."

Bella nods and she walks to where Jacob is. Carlisle steps out and Billy looks at him expectantly.

"I gave Abigail some morphine but her body heat will burn it off within half an hour to an hour," Carlisle informs the alpha. "I'll be back to hook her to a morphine drip."

"Thanks, doc," Sam says and he shakes his hand.

"Is my girl gonna be ok?" Billy asks, his words break at the end.

Carlisle smiles warmly at the worried father and he takes his hand. "Your daughter is going to be just fine, mr. Black."

"Call me Billy." Billy shakes Carlisle's hand. "It's only right. My girl is marrying your boy."

Carlisle looks at Jasper in shock and he smiles at Billy. "Yes, you're right, Billy. I'll be back in about an hour with the drip... Jasper?"

Jared heads inside and he lays near the wall beside Abigail. He brushes her hair back as she sleeps. He grabs the ring from his pocket, Abigail's engagement ring, and he ours it on her. Jasper slipped it to him when he arrived. Knowing that his fiancée needed her pack family more than anything right now.

"You proposed to Abigail?" Carlisle asks and Jasper nods. "Congratulations, son."

"We're letting Edward and Bella go first," Jasper replies.

Carlisle smiles as they head to the medical rooomat home. "I understand."

Carlisle returns to the Black residence and finds Jared Cameron passed out beside Abigail. The vampire doctor smiles and he sees an awake Abigail.

"Hey, Abigail," Carlisle greets. "I'm going to put an IV in with morphine for pain. Is that alright?"

Abigail nods, the pain shooting through her. Carlisle gives her a warm smile before he inserts the needle.

"I'm ready to call you my daughter-in-law," Carlisle whispers before the medicine hits. "You're already my daughter, though, Abigail. You're family." Carlisle kisses her sweaty forehead and he leaves again with Emmett this time.

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