49: Beginning of an end

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             Abigail looks at herself in the full body mirror in Edward's bedroom. She is a nervous wreck. Her wedding dress has a heart neckline and is strapless, rhe crease that curves over her breasts is jeweled with tiny diomands. The dress fits Abigail snuggly down to around her knees and them it poofs out, like a mermaid's tail.

The vail falls to her shoulders, only. Her heals are the same ones Bella wore to her own wedding, just in an eggshell color.

One wouldn't think it was a beautiful bride getting ready because she is rocking out to Beautiful Dangerous by Fergie and Slash. Alastair knocks before stepping in and he smiles at the bride.

"You look breathtakingly beautiful," Alastair compliments his new best friend; it's been a good five weeks since the Volturi came, the pair have gotten closer. "Your father's right outside."

"I'll be out in a moment," Abigail whispers.

Alastair kisses the side of her head before he steps outside to find his mate, Leah Clearwater. Abigail stares at herself some more in the mirror. This is the best day of her life but... Abigail Black is a nervous wreck.

Shaking it off, Abigail pulls the vail over her face and she opens the door. Billy's eyes instantly fill with tears as he sees his youngest daughter in a dress. His bottom lip trembles as Jacob comes up. Abigail is being led down the isle by both her dad and her twin brother.

Jasper is biting his knuckle nervously as he waits for Abigail to get ready. Alice used a similar set up as Edward and Bella's wedding, but this has more... Candlie light and roses, because those are two of Abigail's favorite things, and the seats are littered with wolves fork both Sam and Jacob's pack. Jacob got two more members, two boys named Brady and Collin. They came when the Volturi and the Cullens witnesses came.

Jasper halts his breathing completely when the bridal march begins. His best man, Emmett, claps a hand on his shoulder but even his jaw drops as the french doors open. Abigail looks gorgeous. Her dark skin helps the white dress and small diamonds pop as she walks beside her brother pushing their dad down the isle.

Alastair smirks proudly and he watches with venom filled eyes as Abigail kneels before her father. Billy wipes tears from his eyes before he pushes the Gail back. Paul Lahote bites his thumbnail and he smiles as Billy kisses his daughters cheek. 

"Remember," Billy whispers, knowing there are only vampires and wolves in the crowd, "I loved you first."

Abigail sniffles, she is thankful Kate thought to use waterproof mascara. Abigail kisses her dad's head.

"And you're always my number one man, dad," Abigail whispers before she stands in front of Jasper.

Jasper is tense, he isn't sure how to react to how freaking beautiful this woman looks before him. The minister Alice found in Port Angeles begins with the opening speech, greeting everyone and welcoming them to the Hale / Black wedding.

As each one reads their vows, they look each other in the eyes. There words have so much meaning, but their eyes hold a trillion times more. The minster finally pronounces Abigail and Jasper officially husband and  wife once the vows are concluded.


Emily's niece, Claire, and Quill's imprint, walks forward with a ring. Abigail almost sobs at how adorable this is as Claire reaches them, and holds up the deep crimson pillow. The color theme, deep crimson, black, and dark brown were Abigail's idea.

Abigail, being the bride, goes first and slides the golden wedding band onto Jasper's ice cold finger. Jasper grabs the other golden wedding band that has diamonds incrested all around it and he slides it abigails dark and warm finger.

"You May now kiss the bride."

Jasper grabs the sides of Abigail's face and he captures her lips with his own. Everyone claps and whistles.

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