27: Little Wolf

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As soon as Abigail wakes up she feels a dip on both sides of Paul's bed with two arms draped over her torso. On her ride is Jared Cameron, he's snoring lightly and looks so peaceful. And on her left is Embry, he's snoring rather loudly but still looks peaceful. AJ looks at the doorway and finds an amused Paul.

"Was this your doing?" Abigail asks him in a whisper.

"No idea what you mean," Paul muses before he strokes in, hitting the boys in the head. "Get up, AJ is going to Forks to have her ribs checked."

Jared grumbles incoherently as he gets up and walks out, still in zombie form. Embry smirks and snuggles more with Abigail before she elbows him in the ribs.

"Oomph!" Embry grunts. "Ouch. What was that for?"

"I have to go," Abigail demands. "Get up. Carlisle leaves for hospital soon, and Alice can't see me coming because I'm a wolf. I have to catch him before he leaves."

Embry sighs before he gets up, a bit easier and less grumpier than Jared did, and he trudges our of the room. Paul winks at Abigail before he leaves his room, making sure to close the door behind him.

Abigail changes into some denim capris, a white shirt with black lace over it, some Vans, and the charm bracelet Jasper for her with the fangs on it. She touches it and a tear forms. It's hard to fight the imprint bond, but she is still mad. Abi would love to stay mad, at least for a little while.

Abi goes downstairs and Jared lets out a whistle.

"Feel better, grumpus?" Abigail asks with a smirk.

"Shut up," Jared grumbles, but he's smiling his radiant and contagious smile. "Go on, babygirl."

Abigail kisses each boy on their cheeks before she snatched the keys from Paul's extended hand. She gets into the driver's seat of the hot headed male's pickup and she drives to Forks. She parks outside of the Cullen house hold as Jasper leaves for a hunt.

Abigail sighs in relief and she walks up to the door. The beautiful Rosalie has the door open and Abigail in a tight hug before the wolf can even ring the doorbell. Abi laughs and she hugs Rosalie back.

"Oh, my god!" Rosalie gasps as she pulls away, keeping her hands on Abigail's shoulders so she can't run. "I have missed you so much, Abigail. How are you? What happened when you left? Wha..."

"Rosalie," Emmett's familiar voice booms from somewhere inside, "let my favorite wolf in already!"

Rosalie drags Abigail inside but they stay in the foyer. "What happened to you is how I was turned."

"I remember," Abigail whispers. "When I left, I told the pack, Jacob, and my dad."

"How'd your brothers and Leah take it?" Rosalie asks as they head upstairs.

"Paul had to go outside to cool off, and Jared cried," Abigail says. "Embry was... well, he was Embry."

Rosalie laughs.

"Abigail Black," Carlisle muses as he walks over, he grabs one of Abi's hands. "A face I thought I wouldn't see in a long time. How are you feeling?"

"The pain has eased," Abigail admits. "I want you to check my ribs and see if I can phase. I need a run. I'm getting unfit."

"You look just fine," Carlisle assures her. "Travis, bring her to the medical room. I'll be right down, Abigail."

"Thanks, Carlisle."

Abigail follows Travis down to the medical room and that's where she sees Emmett. He's laying in the bed where Abigail is supposed to lay, he's playing with a stethoscope. He has the buds in his ear with the other piece against his silent chest.

"Hey there, little wolf," Emmett muses as he drops the stethoscope and approaches Abigail in vampire spews.

Emmett uses his hand to turn Abigail's face, checking her for new injuries before he pulls her into a hug. Travis smiles and goes upstairs, knowing she's in good hands.

"There's the reunion I was wantin' to see," Jasper says as he walks downstairs.

Abigail tenses and forced a smile. "Yep. Missed my Emmett."

"I missed my little wolf more," Emmett muses and he looks at Jasper. "Where's Carlisle? He's supposed to check AJ's ribs."

"He got an emergency call, asked me to have to do it," Jasper says. "Abigail, please..."

"Jasper," Abigail whispers. "Please, not now."

Jasper looks at her, feeling her sadness before he walks upstairs.

"Alright now, little wolf, lay down," Emmett says as he pats the table.

Abigail smiles and she lays down. Emmett gets the cray ready and he checks her like Carlisle has been teaching him and smiles.

"You're good to phase," Emmett tells her and he turns the machine off. "Alice is throwing a graduation party."

"Of course she is," Abigail muses. "She is Alice. She wouldn't be if she didn't throw a party."

Emmett shrugs as the pair go upstairs, Jasper is watching her with desperation dripping off of her.  Rosalie scowls at him and she smiles up to Abigail.

"Stay with me tonight," Rosalie pleads. "You can stay in my room..."

"She can sleep in mine," Jasper offers. "I won't touch tou, Abigail, because I know you don't want me to."

"I do like that bed," Abigail whispers.

"Behave, Jasper, she is a lady," Rosalie demands and she walks away.

Jasper sighs and he leads Abigail upstairs. Abi looks out the glass door and looks at the beautiful full moon before she looks at Jasper.

"Can I sleep in one of your shirts?" Abigail asks. "I have nothing else."

Jasper fosses her a shirt after grabbing it in vamoire speed, it's his Dallas Cowboys T-shirt his old friend Peter for him as a joke. The vampire nods respectfully at Abigail before he walks downstairs, to give her privacy.

Abigail smells the shirt and a tear falls, she doesn't know how much longer she can take this. But she has to. She removes her lace top and puts on Jasper's shirt right as Alice skips in with some shorts.

"You can't sleep in jeans, sister," Alice chirps. "Here are some shorts, they're Rosalie's but you'll fit them."

"Thanks, Alice," Abigail coos.

"Abi," Alice says in her usual gentle voice. "Maybe not today but soon, you have to try forgiving Jasper. It's hurting the both of you with the distance." She kisses the wolf on the head before she walks out.

Abigail lets another tear fall as she removes her jeans and she just sits on the bed in her underwear, a sob leaves her lips.

"Little wolf?" Emmett asks as he steps in and sits beside her. "C'mere."

Abigail lays her head on Emmett's shoulder as he strokes her shoulder, letting her cry. Rosalie leans against the doorway, watching. They watch until the wolf falls asleep. Emmett lays her down and drapes a sheet over her exposed lower half.

Abigail grabs his wrist tightly when he goes to leave and Emmett looks at Rose, eyes wide.

"You're fine," Edward says as he steps up behind Rose. "She needs someone. She misses Jasper. She's fighting the bond to stay mad at him."

"Do Sam and Billy know AJ's here?" Emmett asks and Rosalie nods.

"Esme called Billy, Billy called Sam," Rosalie says. "Paul and Jared were making jokes when I talked to Billy."

Emmett smiles. "I'll watch over little wolf. You guys go hunt."

"She's in very capable hands," Rosalie says. "Try keeping jasper away from her until she's ready. It'll hurt her more."

Emmett nods and his siblings leave. He sighs, he understands both perspectives between Jasper and Abigail. Emmett has grown protective over Abigail, she's like a daughter to him. The Little Wolf nickname is new, he thought it suits her well.

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