43: Ness

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        It's been about a week now and Abigail have been working their asses off to make sure that baby is born. Abigail is with Jared at the edge of the Cullen place, keeping an eye out. Jacob is in the medical room with Rosalie, Alice, and Edward while a pregnant Bella lays on the table.

Rosalie is the one to grab the scalpel and she cuts Bella to prevent the baby from suffocating. The scent of blood his Rosalie hard and someone yells no and Jacob tackles Rosalie down, causing the bloody scalpel to clink agaisnt the floor.

Alice drags Rosalie out of the room as a bloody Edward bites through the womb and gets the baby out.

It's been born, Abigail says.

Wait a moment, Jared replies.

Edward tells Bella is a girl, Renesme Cullen. Bella looks dead, literally. She looks weakly and lovingly at her daughter before Renesme bites her. Bella stops breathing.

Jared and Abigail look at each other as Jacob comes outside. Jake sits on the grass with his knees to his chin, sobbing. Jared and Abi take off running through the woods to where Sam, he's at the Black residence.

"I don't care what he's done!" Billy demands toward Sam as he quickly rolls himself out of the house after the alpha.

Abigail phases and puts on some cut off shots and a tank top before Sam up to Sam.

"Bella's dead," Abigail whispers to her alpha.

Sam looks into Abigail's eyes and to Jared, who has phased back, too. Jared nods, confirming what Abigail just told him.

Sam looks down at Billy. "Bella's dead." He stops by Abigail. "Stay here or go back to Emily's."

"I'll stay with dad," Abigail says.

Sam gives Abigail a protective and brotherly kiss on the forehead before he phases with Jared and he goes to get Jared, Quill, and Embry. Billy grabs Abigail's left hand and he looks into the trees where Sam and Jared disappeared to.

"Bella died?" Billy asks.

"Yes," Abigail whispers. "But I think Edward will turn her."

"Let's go inside, wait for news," Billy says.

Abigail pushes her dad's wheelchair into the living room and she walks casually into the kitchen. Abi starts a pot of coffee before opening the fridge and finds some new fish.

"Did Sue bring this fish today?" Abigail asks.

"Elder Quill did," Billy calls back. "Cook usb up some."

"Even better,"Abigail whispers, she loves the fish elder Quill catches.

"Jacob imprinted," Sam says as he approaches Abigail. "We can't harm the baby."

"Sam, can I go and see Jasper?" Abigail asks.

"Of course, you silly ass," Sam muses as he wraps an arm around her and goes to the living room of the Black residence. "I can't keep you from your imprint."

Abigail kisses her dad's head before she goes outside and phases. She takes off through the trees until she finds Leah and Seth. Leah lets out a happy bark and she playfully tackles the silver wolf. Seth howls playfully and jumps in. The three wolves play around until Jacob's alpha voice sounds.


The wolves all jump apart and look at Jacob, all have amusement in their eyes. Jacob smiles at his sister and tosses some clothes down. Abigail picks them up with her canines and heads to the shrubs. She phases then puts on the cut off shorts and dark green tank top, Abigail feels like Leah in this.

Abigail tackles Jacob into a hug first thing, and Jacob immediately hugs his sister back. Seth and Leah watch with happy wolf eyes as the twins reunite.

"I want you to meet someone," Jacob says and he grabs Abigail's wrist, and he drags her into the Cullen house. "Blondie."

Rosalie turns and she gasps when she sees Abigail. "Hey, sister!" She flashes over, but what makes Abigail take a step back is a baby.

"Abigail, this is Renesme," Jacob says as Rosalie passes the baby over to the alpha. "My..."

"Imprint," Edward growls as he walks down in fresh clothes. "Hello again, Abigail. It's good to see you again."

"Where's Jasper?" Abigail asks, trying not to look at Ness.

"In his room," Edward replies. "But Emmett's om the second floor. Be prepared."

Abigail smiles warmly at the new father. "Okay... Papa."

Edward scowls at the nickname but smiles. "Yeah, yeah."

Abigail climbs the stairs and is picked up as soon as she hits the kitchen, and spun around in circles. Over and over and over again. By the stronger grip, Abigail knows that it's Emmett who has grabbed her up.

"Emmett, you're squashing my fiancée," Jasper says as he comes down the stairs, looking smug.

"Are you kidding?!" Emmett exclaims. "I am never letting Little Wolf alone again, she is not leaving anymore."

"Is the wedding back on?" A bell voice says, alerting Abi that Alice is here.

Abigail goes to speak but her lungs are kind of compromised and she looks at Emmett with a glare. Emmett puts on his best innocent grin before letting her go.

"Yes, Alice," Abigail says after composing herself. "If Jas agrees, the wedding is indeed back on."

"Oh, I agree," Jasper says as he strides over and he grabs Abigail by both sides of her face, and kisses her passionately before pulling away. "Alice, you better get started."

Alice squeals before vamp speeding away.

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