28: Major Whitlock

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((( Possible Skut scene toward the end )))

        Abigail wakes up, and realizes she's sprawled all over Emmett. Emmett is trying his best not to laugh at the shock on Abi's face.

"Morning, little wolf," Emmett muses.

Abigail groans before she sighs. "I forgot to put on shorts."

"You had a bit of a meltdown, so yeah, you forgot," Emmett replies. "It's okay, though. I didn't look and Jasper stayed in the living room all night."

Abigail nods and she sits up and grabs her capris. She pulls them on and walks downstairs.

"Paper?" Jasper asks, not looking up from his war novel as he holds out the daily newspaper.

Abigail grabs it and sits beside him, she's in her capris and his Dallas Cowboys tshirts still. As Abigail busies herself, Jasper lifts his head and hazes at her. Abigail's hair is down and is in a mess and one cheek is redder where she was sleeping on the block of ice known as Emmett Cullen. Her eyes are bright from her good night's sleep but the skin around her eyes is purple from crying.


"Oh, god..." she whispers as she reads the front page article.

"What is it?" Jasper asks as he feels the sudden emotion of concern filling Abigail's body.

"Look, Jas..." she whispers, Jasper feels his unbeating heart stop all over again as he hears the familiar nickname. "More Seattle attacks."

Jasper furrows his eyebrows as he leans over the paper and he lets out a slight growl.

"Still believe it's human?" Abigail asks as she meets his eye.

"This is not human," Jasper mumbles.

"Jas... I just realized soemthing," Abigail claims. "You never told me your story." She looks at his uncovered arms, the scars from newborn vampries - Jasper is wearing something he only wears at home, a short sleeved shirt. "You never told me..." she touches one of the scars, Jasper tenses. "... how you got these."

"Can you phase and we go to a clearing to talk?" Jasper asks.

Abigail nods and the puts the paper down. She writes Carlisle read in the top corner so either Emmett or Travis can give it to the doctor, they usually read the paper after Jasper and AJ. Abigail strips in a bush outside and phases and steps into the Cullens backyard.

"There's my favorite wolf," Jasper mumbles as he touches his cold hand to her snout, Abigail closes her eyes and huffs in content. "There's my girl. Come on."

"She wants to race you," Edward says as he leaves the house.

Jasper smirks and looks over at the wolf. He gets ready and Abigail takes off first, jasper chuckles and vamp speeds after her. He soon catches up to the silver wolf in the clearing.

"I was the youngest major in that war," Jasper tells the wolf as he sits on a bolder, she lays in front of him, meeting his eye. "I went to war at seventeen, we were young when deployed into action then. I was there for two years and when I was nineteen, I was named major."

Jasper looks ahead. "There was a woman named Maria, I came across her one evening, her and two of her companions. But much to my surprise, Maria wasn't just some woman.... I didn't see her red eyes until it was too late."

"She turned me." The vampire is visually tense. "But she didn't do it just to kill me. No, Maria did it for her own personal usage. She was turning multiple humans, making them newborns. She wanted me to train and control them." Jasper looks down at the scars on his arms. "That's how I got these."

Abigail stands and walks over, she nudges him and lays her head on his lap. The vampire runs his fingers through the silver wolf's fur and he sighs.

"I wish I had told you those sooner, darlin'," Jasper admits as his fingers comb blindly through Abigail's fur. "You needed to know."

Abigail runs off but when she returns, she's in human form. She walks straight up to Jasper without a word, and she grabs both sides of his face. Jasper meets her eyes before they both move closer, their lips capture as the distance is closed.

Jasper easily wraps his arms around the wolf and he vamp speeds her against a tree, deepening the kiss. When he lifts, Abigail wraps her legs around the vampire's torso. Abi whimpers as Jasper kissss down her neck, he has missed her.

Missed the sound of Abigail's fast beating heart when he touches her. The smell when her blood pumps rapidly when they're intimate. Missed the fact she spells like the woods and the ocean.

Jasper's hand foams up his shirt and he stops kissing as he lifts it up; knowing no one will interrupt them. The wolves aren't allowed over here and Edward made sure to keep the family at home, he had read Abigail's mind. She wanted to forgive Jasper and Edward guessed on the how.

Jasper easily lays Abigail down in the open clearing and he gently removes her jeans, a growl escaping his throat as his eyes study Abigail's native body beneath him. The wolf is absolutely perfect to him. The vampire attaches their lips again as his cold hand reaches down Abigail's underwear, earning a pleasurable gasp.

"I love you, so much, Abigail Black," Jasper whispers as he inserts a finger.

"I love you, too, Jasper Hale," Abigail breaths in reply.

Jasper removes her underwear and he speedily removes his own clothes before joining Abigail on the ground.

"Sam," Abigail says as she enters his house. "There were more attacks in Seattle."

"Not human I'm guessing by the look on your face," Sam mumbles as he looks up.

"Vampire, Jasper concluded that," Abigail mumbles. "We need a pack meeting, alpha."

Sam nods and he stands up, squeezing Abigail's shoulder. "I'm glad you and Jasper made up... Iwas patrolling and your mind was very... loud."

Abigail blushes, which makes Sam bust out laughing as he walks to the kitchen to call Jared, Paul, Embry, Jacob, Quill, Seth, and Leah for the pack meeting. Emily walks in and hands her a muffin.

"Ignore him, he's being mean," Emily coos before smiling. "It is great you two made up."

"I told you they would," Jared says as he comes running in and he plops down beside AJ, wrapping an arm around her. "Your a dirty girl."

"Jared!" Abigail gasps. "You stay out of my mind when I'm having the sex."

"Ah!" Jacob yelps as he walks in. "I did not need to hear that!"

Abigail laughs and she glares at Jared, who smirks and looks at Paul.

"All I have to say," Paul says....

"Uh-oh," Abigail mumbles.

"Shut up." Paul winks at his fellow hothead pack sister. "All I have to say is that it's too bad we have imprints, you dirty thing."

Abigail grabs a throw pillow and chugs it at the hothead, hitting him square in the face. Instead of getting mad like Jared and Sam expected, Paul laughs and throws it right back. Both hotheads bust our laughing before Sam walks in.

"Calm down!" He booms, smiling. "Now, let's begin."

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