15: The Death of an Elder

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           Abigail is patrolling in Forks, she isn't allowed at the Cullens but she is looking out for the unfriendly vampires.The silver wolf trots along and she finds Charlie Swan hunting with her favorite elder besides her own father, Harry Clearwater.

The wolf grins before she sees a vampire lift Harry into the air, the tribe elder was following slowly behind Charlie. The man has heart troubles. AJ growls and she runs out, racking the red haired vampire off of Harry, he falls and Jacob sniffs at him until he follows Abigail when Charlie runs to Harry's side.

Isabella Swan has been seeing Edward everywhere, and every time she does something wreckless. She's been sort of a wild card since this began, since she started seeing the love of her life. Bella does these wreckless things just so she can see Edward; the first time was when she got dirt bikes for Jacob to help her work on and she rode on, hallucinations of Edward began popping up down the Black's driveway.

Bella remembers that day because she had called Jacob beautiful.

Bella looks over the cliff and onto the water, she's in La Push on the pack's cliff diving cliffs. It's recreational, for fun. But for Bella, she is using it as an excuse to see Edward.

The hallucination pops up, Edward's familiar voice trying to persuade Bella not to jump. Bella bites her lip, biting back tears as she hears her vampire boyfriend's voice. She misses him so, so, so much.

"I'm sorry," Bella whispers and she jumps, right as Jacob runs to the edge of the cliff in his wolf form.

Jacob phases back, puts on shorts, and he dives to help Bella.

Seth is clung to Abigail in the reservation hospital, Leah is holding Abigail's hand tightly as Sue paces the waiting room. Sam is leaned against a wall, he's a nervous wreck. Jared is sitting with Charlie and Quill, and Paul is picking elder Quill and Billy. Sherry Altera is here; the elders aren't too happy with her vendetta against Billy's kids.

Seth isn't crying, but he feels comforted by his friend. Leah tights her grip as a doctor comes out.


"I'm Sue, I'm Harry's wife," Sue says as she and her kids walk forward. "These are his kids." Seth grabs Leah's hand.

Abigail covers her face with her hands as the doctor's face falls.

"We did everything we could," the Doctor claims. "The heart attack was too strong, and your husband, and your guys's father, didn't make it. I am sorry for your loss."

Sue lets out a heart wrenching sob as she falls to her knees. Abi rushes over and she hugs the woman, Leah and Seth join in on the hugging. Sam closes his eyes at the news and Charlie lets a tear slip. Jared... he isn't sure how to react.

Paul pushes Billy and elder Quill in and they all instantly notice all the crying.

"No," Billy whispers.

"Daddy," Abigail coos as she sits on Billy's lap and hugs him, knowing he and Harry were close. "I got her off, I got the vampire off... I don't... I thought..."

"Shh," Billy shushes his daughter and he strokes her hair, and hugs her. "You did everything you could, Abigail Joan. Harry had a heart condition."

Abigail sniffles and wipes her tears away, and she approaches Charlie. "Do you need help arranging the funeral?"

"Please," Charlie replies with a sigh.

"I'll come by later," Abigail says and she applauded Sam. "Where's Jake?"

"First beach, Bella decided it'd be smart to cliff dive," Paul replies.

"I'll go," Abigail says and she leaves the hospital.

She phases, ripping her clothes and runs for the beach. Abigail puts on shorts and a black tank before walking out.

"Jacob!" Abigail calls and Jacob looks at her, Bella's awake and not drowning. "Bring Bella home. Harry Clearwater had a heart attack, he didn't make it."

Jacob looks at his sister's broken form and he nods. "Tell Sam I'll be around as soon as I can."

Abi nods and phases back.

"Her wolf's beautiful," Bella says to Jacob.

"I know," Jacob replies. "Come on, I'll drive you home."

Abigail has been with Charlie and Sue the rest of the day and now she's laying in bed with Leah. She's been showing signs of turning - Seth, too. Abi is stroking the hair off of Leah's face and she kisses her sweaty forehead. She promised Sam she'd watch the Clearwater kids.

"I'm glad you're here," Leah whispers.

"Of course I'm here," Abigail coos. "You're family, Leah. You, Seth, and Sue. You're family."

Leah cuddles up to her friend and she whimpers as a pain shoots through her.

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