26: Bonfire

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        Abigail is elated agaisnt Jared by the fire, the bonfire has been lit and they're all waiting for Jacob. Billy is prepared to begin telling legends as Sam and Emily work the grill for some grum. Elder Quill is happy to see Abi, even if she is injured and hurting because she's mad at her imprint.

"It's always good seeing the pack gather," he had told her once. "It always makes the heart grow better and help decisions be made because the gathering of a pack can help clear your head. Being around family is relaxing, helps keep the mind relaxed."

It was the most elder Quill has ever said to her, and the most intelligent thing the Black has ever heard in her entire life. It was beautiful. He had told her that during the first bonfire she went to, before she phased. Elder Quill knew she had the gene and knew she'd phase, he took an interest in her because of her bond with his grandson.

Jacob's rabbit pulls up eventually and Seth goes go greet him, but he's not alone. He's with.... Drum roll please! Isabella Swan! Abigail groans out loud, making Jared laugh and he spots Kim.

"Kim!" He calls.

Abigail slowly stands and she gasps as the pain hits her.

"Where are you going?" Jared asks her as he glances at her quickly.

"To snuggle with Embry," Abigail mumbles. "You're imprint's here."

Abigail slowly walks to the other side of the fire, where Embry has his arm extended wide. The pack is a huge family, they're all her brothers and sister. Abigail and Leah have grown close once again. They've both missed each other.

Abigail sits with Embry and leans into his comforting hold. Elder Quill offers Abigail a warm smile, one she returns before she finds Bella and Jacob. Her smile falls as they sit together.

"Relax, AJ," Embry whispers as Bella meets AJ's eyes. "It's okay."

"He always chooses Bella," Abigail says with a scowl.

Embry sighs and looks at Paul for help, Rachel went back to campus.

"Abi, come over here, sweet cheeks," Paul calls from the log beside Billy.

Abigail looks at Embry with amusement, knowing he can't handle an emotional female. Abi stands slowly and works her way around. Bella watches every move and Abigail sits beside Paul. He wraps an arm around her and kisses her head before Billy begins. He starts with the story about the legends of the spirit shifts.

As Abigail munches down on two hotdogs and some baked beans as her dad begins telling Abi's favorite tribe story ever, the Third Wife's Sacrifice. Abi honestly loves this idea. If she were a human and didn't reek of wet dog to a vampire, she'd do it for Jasper. No matter how mad she is, she'd die if he did.

Abigail smiles fondly as her father tells the story, her eyes closed having finished her food. Jacob is watching his sister with curious eyes, he knows she loves this story. Their dad told him, but now he sees her reaction to it.

"Does she knows about the Seattle killings?" Bella whispers to Jacob, Abigail doesn't hear because she is focused on the story.

"Yeah," Jacob replies. "She read the paper before Jasper made her mad."

Abigail smiles and claps as her dad finishes his story. Billy smiles lovingly at his youngest daughter and elder Quill starts talking about other pack legends.

"Abi, wanna go chill at my place?" Paul asks. "Mom would like to meet you."

Abigail nods and she goes to get up, but gasps as a sudden pain hits. "Can't Wait for this to heal."

"You'll be fine tomorrow," Paul says as he extends his hand. "Here."

Abigail grabs Paul's hand and he helps her stand.

"We're going to my house, Billy," Paul sas to Abigail's dad. "My mom wants to meet Rachel's sister."

Billy nods and he sits back in his wheelchair. "All right. Be careful, you guys. She is still out there."

"That's why Abigail isn't allowed to be alone," Jared says from beside Kim.

Paul leads Abigail to his pickup and he drives to his house. Anne Lahote hugs Abigail as soon as her son introduces the two to each other.

"You are so pretty just like your sister!" Anne compliments as Paul goes to get something to drink. "Come on, sit down. Paul told me about your injury."

Abigail glares playfully at Paul, who is now leaned against the doorway between the kitchen and living room. Paul sends the Black a smug grin before he sits on the chair beside the couch.

"She's okay, ma," Paul tells her. "Abi will be as good as new in the morning."

"Paul," Abigail speaks nervously as Anne heads to bed. "I want to go to Forks tomorrow, visit the Cullens. I miss them... Rosalie and Emmett, and Esme, mainly. I need Carlisle to tell me I can phase again, too."

"You can drive my truck," Paul says and tosses her the keys. "Sleep in my room. I'll take this couch."

Abigail sighs, knowing better than to argue with Paul. The both of them are the hot heads of the pack, they often drive Sam insane with their tempers. They're careful around Abigail since her and Jacob's fight because they don't wanna risk her phasing and harming herself any more.

Abigail lays in Paul's bed, and she stares at the ceiling. The soft bed helps Abigail relax. She even releases a yawn before she closes her eyes.

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