03: Isabella

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      School on Monday went and last, and Jacob's back to his old self. Ignoring AJ. AJ knows it's because he and Billy were at Charlie's this morning before hand, Jacob got to see Isabella Swan. His childhood crush and now obsession.

AJ hasn't seen Bella since they were kids but she doubts the girl feels the same way. Jacob was like this before Bella moved with her mom to Arizona, ignoring AJ. Even though they were only kids. In Jake's eyes, it was only Isabella.

Billy had noticed the loneliness in the female twin and that's when he had Harry introduce his daughter, Leah, to AJ. Leah is two years older than AJ, but the two hit it off and became the best of friends.

"AJ!" Billy's yelling voice yanks AJ from her thoughts. "Sue's here!"

AJ smiles and she grabs her school bag, she's going to eland. Leah is helping AJ with her sophomore homework, Leah's a junior and is real smart compared to the Black. AJ kisses her dad on the cheek before she gets into Sue's car.

"Leah's excited," Sue coos before she pulls out of the drive, Jacob watches from the door. "So is Seth."

"Oh, Seth," AJ giggles.

She dated Seth when she was thirteen, and he was twelve. It was too awkward, so the breakup between Seth and AJ was mutual. They're just friends now.

Leah greets AJ with a hug as soon as she's out of the car. Sue smiles affectionately before she walks into the porch, where she is welcomed into a hug by her husband, Harry. Harry is also smiling at Leah and AJ.

AJ is possibly Leah's only friend.

Leah and AJ are sitting on the price swing, laughing when Emily pulls up in her Jeep. Leah's face falters and Sue walks out, and she hugs Emily.

"I thought I'd visit," Emily coos and she looks at Leah. "Is that okay?"

"I was driving them to Billy's anyway," Harry says as he steps out, he knows how heartbroken Leah still is. "C'mon, girls. I have a game to catch with Billy and Charlie."

"Wait, Charlie's there?" AJ asks. "Is Bella...?"

"Yes, ma'am," Harry replies as they get into the car, AJ frowns.

"AJ!" Charlie boasts as he sees the fifteen enters with Leah and Harry. "You remember Bella?"

AJ looks at the awkward seventeen year old and she shrugs. "How can I forget? She steals Jacob away from me."

"AJ..." Jacob's voice breaks.

"Leah, wanna hang in my room?" AJ asks and the Clearwater nods quickly, the friends enter AJ's room. "Sorry about my outburst."

"It's okay," Leah says. "You should have seen me when Sam left me for Emily... my cousin."

"That sucks." AJ knows Sam imprinted on Emily, he couldn't help it and hates he hurt Leah, but she says nothing. "Boys suck."

"You're only fifteen, AJ, you don't understand love yet," Leah says as she lays her head on AJ's pillow. "When you find the one, you'll understand."

"Was Sam... you know, the one?" AJ asks as she pulls her knees to her chest.

"Probably not," Leah replies. "But he could have been. Who knows now?"

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