25: Apologies and Forgiveness?

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          It's been a few days since everything, and Jasper is truly upset. He wasn't really mad at Abigail for lying, he couldn't. He was upset because of what happened to her. The one thing that Jasper is disgusted with is himself, for overreacting and breaking up with Abigail.

Jasper is pacing the living room, Emmett has somehow convinced Abigail to come over to talk. The former army major is a nervous wreck, he fears the worse.

"Rosalie," Edward says as he approaches the blonde. "She was done the same as you."

Rosalie nods, her eyes showing sadness. "I didn't know. I swear."

"None of us did," Carlisle claims.

Jasper tenses and stops pacing when a familiar silver wolf emerges from the trees. The vampire rushes up to her and Abigail whimpers as Jasper gently touches her snout. He lays his forehead agaisnt the wolf's, the family watch.

"I am so sorry, Abigail Joan Black," Jasper whispers as he runs his fingers through her fur. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it, Abigail. I don't want us to be over, I'm not done with you." 

Abigail whimpers, whining. Jasper pulls back and he meets her eyes. Abi lowers her ears as she lets out a whine, looking into the eyes of her imprint.

"She wants to patrol at Bella's," Edward says, readings her thoughts.

"Come back to me," Jasper whispers. "As a human. So we can talk."

The silver runs into the woods and she freezes right outside Bella's. A strange scent fills Abigail's nose and she phases, dresses and walks up. She knocks on the door and Charlie opens.

"Hey," he greets tiredly. "Come in, you can wait for Bella."

Charlie goes upstairs. When AJ hears his door close, she speed walks to Bella's room and locks the door before stripping and phasing again. She walks over to Bella's bed and sniffs, growling before she rushes outside. Once in the woods, she bowls.

Edward and Jasper are there in a flash.

"What is it?" Edward asks.

Go to Bella's room and smell, Abigail demands. There was a new vampire here.

Edward looks at the silver wolf with wife eyes before he jumps into Bella's window. Jasper places his hand on the back of the wolf's neck, and Abigail relaxes a tad at his gentle touch.

"Abigail," Edward says as he rushes out. "Mind link Jacob, I'll tell Bella."

Abigail nods. Jacob, you phased?

Yeah, Jacob responds after a moment. What's up?

Get to Bella's, Abigail instructs as she nudges Jasper, she's missed him. I smelled a strange vampire, someone new.

Jacob's wolf appears after fifteen minutes and Jasper drops some shorts for him. The russet wolf nods and carries the shorts into some bushes. Jacob walks out in the shorts and looks at Jasper.

"I get how you reacted," Jacob says to Jasper. "But you abandoned my sister, man. She's a Black. She might not forgive you, not anytime soon." He looks at his sister and to Jasper. "She was raped and didn't tell you. She was scared." He goes inside where Edward and Bella are.

Abigail then moves out of Jasper's hand and she rushes to Sam and Emily's. She phases before walking in.

"Heard you howl," Sam says after he hugs her. "What's up?"

"There was an unfamiliar vampire scent in Bella's room," Abigail replies as she sits beside Jared on the couch. "Jacob is investigating with Edward and Bella... I couldn't be in Forks any longer."

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