22: Bella in La Push

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        It's been a few days since that chase, Abigail has been patrolling Bella's house every day. She's finally home, and watching the game with Billy. Edward and Bella have returned home not long ago and Bella's coming over so Edward can hunt with Jas.

"Jacob!" Abigail as she hears the junk truck her dad sold Charlie pull up. "Your lover's here!"

Jacob growls and he walks out, he glares at Abigail before he lets Bella in. "Hey."

"Can we..." she eyes Abigail. "Can we go to your shed?"

Jacob nods and leaves.

"I have patrol in Forks," Abigail says as she stands. "I'll see you tonight, dad." She kisses Billy's head before she leaves the house.

Abigail phases and Bella sees.

"Abigail's wolf is so pretty," Bella says to her friend.

Jacob leans against the shed door and watches as his sister rushes off. "I know. She's patrolling around your house, to be sure no new vampire is around or the red head."

"Red head?" Bella gasps. "Victoria?"

"Yep," Jacob replies. "She's been around. Chased her a few days ago, the day after you went to Jacksonville."

Bella looks at the trees where Abigail went. "How's Abigail and Jasper?"

"Lord, I wish I didn't read her thoughts as a wolf," Jacob grumbles. "He took her virginity and she keeps thinking about it on runs."

Bella laughs at this, really laughs. "Oh god."

"Yeah, and I'm her twin brother." Jacob shudders at the thoughts. "It's disturbing. I don't need to see my sister having sex."

"She's a good girl and Jasper loves her," Bella says. "Be glad she's happy."

Edward stops by Abigail at Bella's. "Anything?"

Nothing but you or charlie and Bella, Abigail thinks to the mind reader. No newbies or Victoria.

"Is Jacob telling her about Victoria?" Edward says and Abigail thinks, yes. She needs to know. "I know," the vampire replies and he rubs Abigail's snout and he looks at Bella's house. "Keep an eye out. Howl if I'm not around."

The silver wolf nods and she circles the perimeter near Bella's as Edward leaves to finish his hunt. Abigail hugs and she sits right outside the woods, her eyes trained on Bella's house and she focuses her smell on any new coming human feeders.

"I still can't believe Victoria's in town," Bella says to Jacob as they walk along the water's edge at First Beach. "Emmett really jumped the treaty?"

"Yeah," Jacob replies. "He was caught up in the chase, though. He didn't realize it until Paul snapped at him. Abigail chewed Emmett's head off."

"No wonder Emmett seems spooked when Jasper or I bring up AJ," Bella muses.

Jacob smiles; he likes spending time with Bella.

Abigail goes to the Cullens when her patrol is up, Rosalie is taking over. She walks in after phasing and dressing. Abi goes upstairs and sees Esme with a bowl salad.

"This is for you," Esme coos as she hands it over with a fork. "You must be hungry."

"Always am after patrol," Abigail says as she sits at the counter with the salad. "Thank you, Esme."

Esme smiles warmly and she busied herself. "Carlisle is working at the hospital today."

Jasper walks in, cutting Abigail's thoughts short. He kisses the top of her head, his eyes are bright golden, Jasper just finished a hunt.

"Hey, Jas," Esme greets. "Good hunt?"

"Yes, ma'am," Jasper replies as he wraps his arms around Abigail's shoulders from behind. "Refreshing, and relaxing."

"The two r's," Abigail teases and Jasper rolls his eyes. "Did you roll your eyes at me, mr. Hale?"

Jasper smirks and kisses Abi on the lips before disappearing upstairs.

"I am so glad we came back," Esme coos. "You're the best thing that has ever happened in Jasper's existence. I haven't ever seen him this happy, Abigail."

"I never understood what my pack brothers felt with their imprints before I phased," Abigail admits as she swallows some lettuce. "But now that I have and that I've spent some time with Jasper, I understand. I get what Paul and Jared mean when they say your imprint is made just for you."

"Imprinting sounds a lot like a mate for vampries," Esme coos as she leans against the counter, taking a break from cleaning - she was doing it in a human pace. "Mate is short term for a soulmate."

"Is Bella Edwards mate?" Abigail asks casually.

"She's his blood singer," Esme replies as she grabs Abigail's empty bowl to wash it. "Her blood appeals to him more than any other. He had to leave for a week or so in order to gain control so he wouldn't attack her and break the treaty."

"He loves her," Abigail states.

"He really does," Esme replies. "As you know, I am Carlisle's mate. Alice and Travis are mates. Rosalie and Emmett. You're Jasper's mate while he's your imprint. It's a wonderful world, this supernatural world we live in."

"Sometimes," Abigail says and they both laugh. "I better go home. I told dad I'd be there." 

Esme walks around the counter in a human speed and she hugs her future daughter. "Be careful."

Abigail smiles warmly before she jumps off the balcony, phasing midair. Emmett whistles as he leaves the woods.

"Ninja Abi!" Emmett boasts. "See you around, ninja."

The silver wolf huffs before running through the trees and she goes home, where she phases, dresses and leaves the woods to find Charlie's cruiser. She sighs in relief and she heads inside.

"Hey, Charlie," Abigail greets.

"Hey, AJ," Charlie greets in return.

Abigail goes into the kitchen and she makes some fish and potatoes for the men.

"Where's yours at, missy?" Billy asks as he rolls himself in the kitchen.

"Esme made me supper before I left their place," Abigail replies. "I'm full."

"I call bull donkey, but I won't press matters," Billy says as Charlie walks in.

"Enjoy, gentlemen," AJ says and she smells under her arms. "I need a shower, I reek."

"Yes, you do," Billy retorts and both Black's laugh before AJ goes to the only bathroom to shower.

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