47: When the snow sticks

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        Abigail walks around the back yard of the Cullen mansion feeling alone, she is in her wolf form. Jasper is still gone, he's with Alice and Travis. The only person Alice is in contact with is Bella, and Bella - for some reason - keeps Abigail in the loop.

"Abigail!" Alastair falls before he flashes up. "I wanted to say I am glad I have befriended you and took your advice... I think I might ask Carlisle to join the Olympic coven and adjust to the animal diet."

The wolf huffs in approval, Edward tells Alastair what Abigail thinks. The red eyed vampire ruffles the fur on Abigail's head before he goes to find someone else.

"Abi!" Bella calls from the balcony. "Phase and come up!"

Abigail goes into the bushes and she phases. Abigail puts on some black skinny jeans, a tan camisole, a brown knitwear sweater almost like Alastair's second layer, and some black converse. Kate had laid it out just for her.

She steps out of the trees and Alastair whistles from where he stands with Eleazar and Carmen from Denali. Abigail winks at the vampire before she goes to the balcony, going through the house.

"Alice told me when they're coming," Bella says to Abigail.

"When?" The wolf asks as she stands soemwhat close to Bella.

"When the snow sticks."

Abigail huffs and she overlooks the hard. She meets eyes with Kate and then her newest friend, Alastair. They both heard Bella. They nod at Abigail, saying there still in this.

Alastair finally leaves the two members of the Denali coven and he goes to find Carlisle. He is serious about wanting to stay and join the animal blood diet. Alastair is wishing to change for his Leah.

Leah is beyond glad she finally imprinted, she can finally forget and get over Sam. Leah finally feels free that she has imprinted. 

Abigail rests her hands against the railing as Bella goes to find her husband and daughter.

That night, the snow had slowly begun to stick. The Cullens decided to have a bonfire, especially now that Jasper has returned. He was only gone a few hours. Abigail is sat on a long with Peter and Charlotte while Jasper sits with Alastair. Carlisle assigned Jasper as Alastair's blood coach, Alastair is moving in.

Peter begins with swapping war stories as Emmett walks over. Bella is inside a tent with Ness, they're talking in soft voices, but no one pays them no mind. Charlotte and Jasper soon join in with Peter with their war stories.

"I have a few to tell," Garrett claims from beside Kate. "I have a few."  

"As do I, brother," Alastair muses, he's holding Leah's hand on the opposite side of the fire as Abigail.

Abigail moves to Jasper's side, and he wraps an arm around her with ease and kisses the top of his head before laughing at a memory Peter brings up from their past together.

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