05: Visiting Bella

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             AJ is going to Forks today, she is wanting to visit Bella. School is out and Bella's at the hospital, she was nearly hit by a car, according to what Billy told AJ. There is supposed to be a Forks cab coming to the house.

AJ puts on some jeans, a navy green tank top, a denim jacket, and some combat boots before the puts her hair into a side braid.

"AJ, cab's here!" Billy calls from somewhere in the living room.

"Where's Rach?" AJ asks as she kisses her dad on the cheek.

"She went back to campus," Billy replies with a frown. "It's just you, me, and Jacob."

AJ nods and she jogs out and gets into the cab. She lays before hand, then gives the driver the address, she looked up cab prices online before the cab even got here.

Forks Community Hospital just feels familiar, AJ has never been here but it's a place AJ would trust being checked. She spots a angelic type man and a couple teens. One is very attractive. He has dirty blonde hair and looks pained, his eyes are dark while the blonde girl's are a bright gold-like color.

There is a dark haired boy who has on glasses, which AJ thinks are just for the fashion. And then there's the doctor. The angelic man. He's got bright golden-like eyes, a smooth face, platinum hair.

The most attractive one to AJ meets her gaze and he simply nods.

"Excuse me, Doctor?" AJ says softly.

"Can I help you?" The man asks in a kind voice.

"I was... I'm trying to find Bella Swan," AJ says. "She's friends with my brother."

"Excuse me a second, guys," the doctor says and he joins AJ. "I'm doctor Cullen."

"I'm AJ," she says.

Carlisle leads AJ through a set of doors and Charlie's eyes light up when he spots the youngest Black female. Bella even smiles as Carlisle heads back out, he's done checked Bella.

"You caught us right as we were leaving," Charlie muses. "You can ride to the house with Bella..."

"I would like that," AJ says. "I want to get to know Jacob's friend."

Bella smiles shyly and Charlie tells her that she should call Renee, her mom. AJ spots Bella the attention of a taller guy where Carlisle is, he has darker golden eyes and bronze hair that's gelled back with a comb. AJ meets eyes with the one she likes and she blushes.

"They're too old for me," AJ whispers before she goes to walk ahead, but bumps into the stunning blonde. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going."

The girl just looks at AJ with distaste before walking away. The one AJ likes extends his hand; AJ doesn't stink to him, but her blood is very alluring. 

"I'm sorry about her," the guy says, his southern accent heavy and makes AJ's heart swoon.

He's too old for you, she scolds herself again.

"I'm Jasper Hale." Jasper extends his hand once more.

"Abigail Black," AJ says. "But you can call me AJ."

AJ shakes Jasper's ice cold hand and smiles, not really caring about the temperature in his hand before she spots Bella coming.

"My ride's ready," AJ mutters. "It was really nice to meet you, Jasper." She hurried to catch up with Bella, even though Bella was waiting patiently at the end off he hall. "Are we ready?"

"Yes," Bella replies sharply and AJ frowns before following bella to her truck.

By the end of the day, AJ is hanging out with Leah. Bella was so cold toward AJ, and poor AJ has no idea what she did wrong.

"It's probably because you're not Jacob," Leah says, AJ told her about how Bella did. "And this Jasper guy... How old is he?"

"He looks nineteen," AJ replies and she sighs. "He's too old for me."

"When you're sixteen next year..."

"He's still going to be over eighteen," AJ says sadly, Jasper is her crush.

Leah grabs AJ's hand and smiles. "I'm sure Billy won't mind..."

"I'm sure my dad will mind," AJ says.

"Sixteen is an age of consent here, AJ," Leah coos as she sits back. "You just have to wait a year to do anything about it."

AJ nods and lays beside Leah.

Jasper looks at Alice as if she's crazy. "You didn't tell me I had a blood singer."

"I didn't see her!" Alice exclaims, her mate - Travis Cullen - watching in amusement. "And now I know why! She's Quiluette, she's related to the wolves in La Push. That's why I couldn't and can't see her, Jas."

"Who is it?" Rosalie asks from beside Emmett.

"The girl that bumped into you," Jasper replies. "I helped her up... her name's Ab.... AJ Black."

Alice smiles. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing," Jasper says.

"Abigail Black is fifteen," Carlisle says as he enters the house, he's just returning from a hunt. "She won't reach the age of consent until she is sixteen next year."

Emmett looks around and he smiles. "It'll be great having someone new around."

"What if she turns?" Travis asks. "I know it's rare for a female, but what if?"

"Then she will have to talk to Sam Uley and the elders about coming across the boarder, if she imprints in your Jasper," Carlisle replies in explanation. "The Hospital is the only common ground, but she probably won't go back."

Jasper sighs and nods. "I get that." 

AJ is laying in bed with Jacob now, she told him about today, he said he'd talk to Bella, but Abigail isn't sure how much good that'll do. Bella just doesn't like AJ and no one knows why.

Snores full Jacob's small bedroom as he passes out with ease. AJ smiles before she faces the wall and she falls asleep, herself.

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