12: Jacob phases

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         It's been a month and Abigail feels freer, but she still has a hole where Jasper is supposed to be. Sam says Jacob is phasing today so she's going with him, Paul, and Jared to Billy's. Abigail is thrilled for see her dad again.

"Abi! Come on!" Sam demands. "Billy called! Jacob is about to turn!"

Abigail grumbles to herself and she goes downstairs. Paul smirks at his pack sister as she goes out back and phases, ripping her pajamas.

"I'm going shopping today," Emily sighs. "You guys go through way too many clothes." She looks at Abigail. "I'm going with Rachel and Kim," Emily says to her fiancée.

"Good, don't go alone with that vampire being close," Sam says before he phases, the four wolves trot through the wolves.

Jared is the beta, he becomes alpha after Sam. Paul is after Jared, and then it's Abigail because of who her grandfather was. Abi is pretty certain Jacob won't want to be an alpha, Billy is pretty certain, too. Sam agrees but he has to greet him, they all do as a pack.
"Finally," Billy breaths as he sees four wolves emerge from the trees. "Abi?"

Abigail turns and dresses and runs up to Billy when he rolls onto the porch. Billy wraps his daughter into a hug as a shaky and sweaty Jacob steps out. He groans in pain as he stumbles into the yard. Billy grabs Abigail's hand as she flinches at Jacob's whimper, he finally phases.

Jacob's wolf is a beautiful russet brown color and his eyes are still the brown that they are as a human. Abigail goes into the trees and strips before phasing. She rejoins Paul's side. The russet colored wolf before them studies each wolf, Sam has been communicating in mind-link while Abi was in her human form.

Abigail and Billy were right, Jacob declined being alpha. It took a while for Sam to get the boy to even join the pack. Jacob understands now that Sam and the guys aren't in a drug gang, and knows his twin sister is not involved in drugs.

She's a shape-shifting werewolf.

Sam leads Jacob into the woods as Abi trots up to Billy. Billy runs his hand through Abigail's fur on her head and he rubs her snout.

"I love you, Abi," Billy whispers. "Now go run, and be free."

Jared nudges her and mind-links; let's go to Forks. I know you want to.

The silver nudges the brown one back and they run off, Billy smiles at them. Jared and Abigail emerge from the trees and walk through the tall grasses at the Cullen home. Jared turns and walks up to the door, naked.

Abigail turns and dresses. "Now I see why Kim is so in love."

Jared looks down and he blushes deeply, he just realized he's naked. He then smirks and looks at Abigail. "Ah! Your clothes are on!"

Abigail laughs, a real laugh, and Jared opens the door. Abigail sighs and she walks in. Jared phases back and he lays on the porch.

Abi runs her finger across the piano, guessing it was just too large to pack up. The she-wolf heads up a flight of stairs and she enters the bare kitchen and living area on the second story. She steps into the balcony and she spots Jared's wolf knocked out.

Abi then climbs another flight. Her heart clenches at a door, and then she knows it is...was Jasper's room. Abigail hesitantly grabs the knob and pushes it open, finding Laurent. There is growling outside.

"Laurent," Abigail breaths.

"Abigail," Laurent muses as he rushes forward, Abigail flinches. "I wish not to harm you."

Laurent brushes some wild hair behind Abi's ear before he's gone.

"Was that him?" Jared asks as he storms into the room, finally funding Abigail.

"Y-yes," Abigail replies and she looks around the room, feeling dizzy. "This was Jasper's room."

"It still is," Jared says as he grabs Abi's shoulders. "Just think of it as he is on a vacation with his family." 

Abigail shutters. "Can... can I sleep here tonight? I don't think I want to leave yet."

Jared kisses the top of Abigail's head. "I'll be right outside, babygirl."

"You're mate's a Wolf?" Peter, Jasper's old war buddy with newborn vampires, asks, smiling as his crimson eyes burn bright. "That is outstanding!"

"I haven't... I haven't spoken to her since she imprinted," Jared admits. "I'm here, and she's in Washington."

Charlotte touches Jasper's arm, and offers a smile. "You'll see her again... What did you say your mate's name was?"

"Abigail Black," Jasper replies, her name is enough to fill the vampire with warmth. "She's stunning."

"She sounds amazing," Peter claims. "Come on, I'll show you the next best place to hunt here in Texas."

A silver wolf lays curled up in Jasper's floor as Carlisle secretly comes to check in things, Jared's at Sam's. The vampire freezes at the sight but he doesn't wake her, knowing it's Jasper's mate. He flashes away before the wolf has a chance to wake and find him.

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