31: Mastermind

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        Abigail groans as she wakes up, Jacob has an arm draped over her torso. She glances at her twin, she fall asleep in his bed last night. Jacob's eyes are closed and he looks so at peace while he's asleep, soft snores filling the room.

"Jake, I need up," Abigail mumbles as she shakes him. "I've got patrol."

Jacob grumbles a few choice words, some not worth repeating, he sits up and begins rubbing his tired eyes. Abigail kisses Billy on the head before she goes out, phases, and runs to Forks.

"Hey, darlin'," Jasper greets as he meets his werewolf mate at the boarder. "I'll patrol with you."

The silver wolf smiles before running off, it doesn't take long for Jasper to catch up. Abigail checks around Bella's house first, checking for a scent of any new comer human eating vampires. Nothing.

"Guys, Alice had a vision," Edward says as he vamp speeds before the couple. "Come to the house. Now." And with those words demanded, Edward is gone.

Abigail's wolf looms over and meets Jasper's eyes before they run off. Rosalie brings some clothes out for Abigail, and the Black phases back, dresses, then heads inside.

Alice tells Jasper and Abigail that it is Victoria begins the killings in Seattle.

"I knew it," Abigail says to Jasper. "That's what I told Jacob... that I thought it was Victoria behind it."

Alice sighs. "We are having still having the graduation party, guys... Abigail, can you invite a couple pack members?"

"I can invite Quill and Embry," Abigail says. "The others don't trust you guys enough."

"That's fine," Alice replies and she snuggles into Travis's arms. "We'll have to go to Seattle soon, to protect the humans."

"I'll stay with the pack," Abigail says.

Jasper kisses the top of her head, accepting her choice.

"So, Victoria's the mastermind," Emmett boasts. "When do we leave?"

"Emmett..." Abigail sighs. "You get excited over the silliest of things, I swear."

"I wouldn't be me if i didn't," Emmett muses confidently.

"And don't we all know it?" Rosalie asks in a teasing tone to her husband.

Emmett groans. "Double teaming me, guys? Really? That's not fair."

"But it's fun," Abigail chirps as she grabs Jasper's hand.

"Abigail, you are coming shopping with me," Alice instructs. "You and Esme, too," she says to Rosalie. "We need to buy clothes and decorations for the party."

Rosalie and Alice meet eyes and Rosalie looks nervous. Alice is a horrid shopper. She's a fashionista and a perfectionist, and a damn good party planner. But it seems over profession ought to be a professional shopper. She can spend up to ten hours or more shopping if someone doesn't stop her.


"No," Alice says quickly. "I won't take no as an answer, Abigail Black. You're coming shopping with me, and that is final."

"Don't argue with her, darlin'," Jasper whispers before kissing her hair. "You will lose epically."

"Can I go change?" Abigail asks, she's in some of Jasper's ball shorts and one of Rosalie's camisoles.

"Drove the Porsche," Jasper says and he hands her the keys. "Don't wreck, be careful, and be back soon before Alice breaks the treaty to get you."


Abigail drives home and heads inside. "Dad, I'm shopping with Alice, Rosalie, and Esme."

Billy looks up at her and nods. "I have Charlie and Quill here, I'll be fine."

Abigail kisses his cheek. "Hello, elder Quill. Charlie."

"Abigail!" Elder Quill smiles and he shakes the girl's hand. "You look well."

"As do you, mr. Altera," Abigail muses. "I have to change and get back to Forks before Alice hunts me down."

Elder Quill chuckles and he sits in the arm chair nearest to Billy. Charlie is on the couch, on the other side of Abi's father. Abigail smiles at the men before going to her room, which is right across the room from Jacob's.

Abigail changes into a red dress with sleeves that reach her elbows, a denim jacket that is up to her waist, some black ankle boots, and the charm bracelet Jasper gave to her. Abi brushes out her hair and leaves it down, it falls down to her butt.

AJ leaves her room and kisses her dad's cheek. "I'll see you either tonight or tomorrow."

"Come back tonight, little one," Billy says. "You have that party tomorrow."

Abigail nods in agreement. "Deal; see you tonight. See ya, Charlie. Elder Quill."

"You be careful in...?"

"Seattle," Abigail says and Charlie tenses. "We'll be safe, Chief, promise."

Charlie looks up at the sixteen year old and he nods. "Fine."

Abigail smiles before she goes out to Jasper's Porsche. She drives back to Forks and sees the girls waiting by Carlisle's Mercedes. They're driving it because there is more room.

Abigail goes in the house and returns the Porsche keys to Jasper before she gets into the backseat of the Mercedes with Rosalie. Esme is driving while Alice rides shotgun. They're leaving the guys - Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and Travis - at the house to hunt, and Edward to see Bella.

"Why are we shopping in Seattle again?" Abigail asks Alice.

"It wouldn't hurt to check things out while we are in the city," Alice replies calmly as Esme drives in a speedy way. "Investigate, see what we can find."

Abigail only nods, knowing better to speak.

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