19: Victoria?

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"So you finally moved back in with your dad?" Jasper asks as he holds Abigail in the bed he recently bought, her head is laying on Jasper's bare chest.

"Yeah, I figured I should since Jake and I both are phased now," Abigail replies as she rests against Jasper. "I love this."

Jasper kisses Abigail's forehead. "And I love you."

Abigail giggles and they hear Edward calling urgently from downstairs. Abigail and Jasper look at each other with a confused look before they hurry downstairs. Alice is in a vision and Jasper flashes over to her other side, Travis is on the other.

"Edward, what is she seeing?" Abigail asks the kind reader.

"Victoria's around," Edward growls.

"Victoria?" Abigail scowls. "Stupid vampire... I should have killed her when she gave Harry Clearwater a heart attack."

"Tell the pack," Jasper says to Abigail. "You can come back." Jasper tosses her the keys to his porch. "Go. Drive safe."

Abigail kisses him and she runs out, she drives to Sam and Emily's place.

"Sam," Abigail says as he walks in. "Victoria's in town. She's a red haired, human feeding, manipulative, slutty vampire."

"Very powerful words," Jared muses as he kisses Abigail's cheek and sits in the couch alone. "How do you know Victoria's around?"

"Alice had a vision; Edward read her mind and told me," Abigail replies as she lays on the couch, her head on Jared's lap. "Jasper told me to tell you guys. We might ought to be on the lookout for that red headed bitch."

Jared casually runs his fingers through Abi's hair and her phone buzzes.

From: Jas
To: Abi
Abigail, Edward and Bella are heading to Jacksonville for a few days to visit Bella's mother. Can you spend the weekend with me?

Abigail shows the text to Jared, who smirks and he nods. Abigail drives Jasper's Porsche home and tells her dad what she's doing, Billy gives his okay before turning his attention back to Charlie Swan and the baseball game.

Abi smiles before heading into her bedroom, she needs to pack some clothes for the weekend. She has never been completely alone with Jasper. Edward and Bella are going to Jacksonville. The other members of the coven are going to hunt and keep an eye out for Victoria in Forks or near the Swan residence. 

Abigail's phone buzzes and she finds a message from Emmett.  Emmett?

From: Emmy Cullen
To: My favorite wolf
Yo, yo. Just wanted to say you WILL be totally alone with Jasper today and tonight, we will be back. We want you with us to help track the red haired bitch, silver wolf. See you tomorrow, my favorite wolf.

Abigail shakes her head and puts her phone in her back. Abigail gets a weekend's worth of spare clothes and she blushes as she thinks of the fact she will be alone for real for the first time with Jasper tonight.

Abi sighs and she zips her overnight back and leaves her room. "I'm headed to Forks, dad." She kisses his head.

"See you soon," Billy says. "Tell Jasper he's in trouble if he hurts you."

"Okay, dad." Abigail kisses his cheek before going out to Jasper's Porsche.

Abi throws her back into the passenger's seat before she drives. The wolf stops by the Forks diner for sole lunch because Esme said she ought to. Jasper knows how to cook, but he doesn't want to attempt to mess anything up.

Cora smiles at the newcomer and seats her by a window. Mike Newton, a friend of Bella's, hawks at her in awe and Jessica slaps the back of his head, scolding him.

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