37: "When did Leah join the pack?"

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Abigail and Leah are gushing over Abigail's new engagement ring Jasper gave her. Jacob has went to get Bella after a second training, one Abigail sat out from because she was overly excited about her new engagement to focus. She'll be able to focus when the newborns get here but this engagement is very new.

Abigail and Leah head outside for a run after Emily secures the ring the pocket of her jeans, Bella's here with Jacob. Embry and Jared are bugging both Isabella and Jacob.

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, just leave," Leah growls.

Leah walks to the woods and she phases.

"When did Leah join the pack?" Bella asks.

"When her father died," Abigail says as she takes her shirt off. "Seth, too."

"Damn, take it off!" Paul hollars from the porch, and he laughs as Abigail flips him off.

Abigail removed her jeans and phases. Bella smiles as Abigail runs after friend Leah. Edward and Bella are headed to the campsite today, to the spot Jasper proposed. Bella is supposed to be leaving her scent across the woods, to agitate the newborns. Jasper gave the human that idea, and Edward reluctantly agreed.

Leah and Abigail run through the woods, blowing off some steam. Abigail was happy until she heard Bella's voice and she was fuming. The hothead is going to drive Sam crazy, everyone in the pack already knows it. Paul was already but Sam now has two hot heads.

Sam is going to either end up killing me, Paul, or both of us, Abigail says. He told me he thought he had enough of the sudden anger outbursts with Paul and then I came along and phases, becoming the second hothead in the Uley pack.

You're their sister, Leah replies. I'm Sam's ex girlfriend.

Abigail nudges Leah and the two lay by a pond, it's a spot the girls found one day. It's their spot, it's the spot they come to, to relax and get away from the pack and Sam. Abi knows how much it hurts seeing Sam, and knows it hurts ten times worse when she sees PDA between Sam and Emily. Technically, it's their secret spot because no one else knows about it.

This spot gets more beautiful every time we come, I swear, Leah claims as she over looks the water and the green moss. And I am very happy for you, congratulations on the engagement.

"Where's Gail and Leah?" Jacob asks his alpha as Bella talks quietly with Embry. "They've been gone a few hours."

"No idea," Sam replies with a shrug. "They take off a lot like this, but always return in better moods." Sam looks at Jacob's friend. "I like Bella, Jacob, I really do, but you know her being around her angers Abigail. I'm still trying to get her tantrums under control. Bringing Bella around all the time is not helping."

"I'm sorry but..."

"Bring Bella back to the Cullens before Abigail returns," Sam says. "I don't need her phasing out of anger and going back to Canada when she first phased."

"Girl is worse than I was," Paul claims. "I'm helping her as much as she lets me."

"Bella, let's get you to Forks," Jacob says.

Bella bids her farewells for Jared and Embry before she leaves willingly with Jacob.

"Thanks for that," Jared says. "Last thing we need is Abigail fleeing in anger."

"We're working on getting her tantrums under control," Sam says. "It'll take a while because of how stubborn she is."

Abigail and Leah walk into Sam's to find Bella gone. Abigail relaxes visually and she poops down on the couch between Embry and Jared, and Emily hands her the ring back.

"Can't believe you're getting married," Jared mumbles.

"You're getting married?!?!" Alice exclaims after jasper tells her the news. "Oh, my god! When did this happen? When? Jasper?!"

"Alice, love, calm down," Travis says as he touches her back. "Let Jasper talk."

"I proposed today after asking Billy for his daughter's hand in marriage," Jasper replies. "She said yes. But we aren't ready to plan anything yet."

Alice nods and a gigantic smile frowns on her face. Jasper suddenly grows nervous, he knows what she's up to.

"I get to plan another wedding!?" Alice exclaims. "Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!" She flashes upstairs.

"I am so glad I'm hunting with Carlisle and Esme," Jasper mumbles.

Emmett claps a hand on Jasper's shoulder. "Congratulations, man. You deserve it." 

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