20: First Time

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         After eating some lunch in the local diner in Forks, Abigail drives the Porsche to the Cullens mansion. Jasper is standing on the balcony when Abigail fully parks behind Emmett's Jeep. Jasper can put in the garage later.

Jasper is already at the door when Abigail reaches the steps and he grabs her bag, and leads the beautiful girl to his bedroom upstairs. Abigail had taken in everything as she walked behind Jas, they truly are alone. Esme, Alice, Carlisle, Rosalie, and Travis are all gone. Edward and Bella had just caught the plane to Florida when Abigail left La Push.

Jasper walks up to Abigail, and he meets her eyes. He feels her anxiety and another feeling, a feeling he is very aware of and one he shares. The vampires cold hand lifts Abigail's face when she looks away and he gently presses his ice cold lips against her firey hot ones.

Jasper wraps an arm around Abigail and he pulls her against him, the kiss deepening the more. Abi moans as her blood pumps, the smell of the human within the wolf filling Jasper's nose but it doesn't effect him. He doesn't feel the bloodlust of his family like he had on Bella's birthday.

Jas moves forward until AJ's legs hit the bed he bought and he slowly lays her down, staying above the gorgeous wolf. Jasper pulls away from the kiss, abigails warmth still on his cold skin as his eyes roam over her.

Abigail sits up and she rush her hand up Jasper's covered arm before she suddenly grabs the hem of the vampire's long sleeve shirt. She meets Jasper's eye and he simply nods. Abi bites her bottom lip as she removes Jasper's shirt.

Abigail runs her fingers up Jasper's scarred arms. Ones he got from the newborns when the vampire Maria turned him. Abigail runs her fingers through Jasper's dirty blonde locks and she meets his lips again. Jasper literally groans into the kiss as he wraps her close and he removes her shirt, only pulling away long enough to pull the shirt over Abigail's head.

Jasper eyes her dark torso and he pushes her back, kissing down her slim finger. His cold lips sending chills throughout Abigail's body, only warming her fire ever the more. Abigail is breathing heavily as Jasper removes the girl's pants.

Once Jasper is naked, he positions himself between Abigail's lips and he kisses her.

"Are you sure?" The vampire asks, his eyes black in both lust and hunger, Abigail's heart is beating fast and blood pumping rapidly. "I can stop..."

"Don't you dare," Abigail grumbles as her hands wrap around Jasper's scared forearms. "I'm sure, baby."

Jasper nods. "Okay... ma'am."

Jasper slowly enters Abigail. She gasps at the pain at first, Thai being her first time. Jasper feels it but he knows it's her first time, so he goes until he feels her moon switch from pained to one resembling passion.

Abi breaths in pleasure as Jasper thrusts deeper, and at a steady pace.  Abigail grips Jasper's hair with one hand and his shoulder with the other as her heavy breathing turns into short and pleasurable moans. If Abigail were human and not his mate, Jasper would have already slipped by how close his nose is to her vein.

Abigail is curled up in the blankets with Jasper, a sleep. Jasper strokes her hair as he looks down at the sleeping form. Abigail's warm, naked body is agaisnt his. Jasper just has his boxers on, AJ let him put those on.

"Are you decent?" A voice says from outside.

Jasper feels the amusement. "Come in, Emmett." Jasper pulls the blanket up over AJ's breasts.

Emmett opens the door and he cautiously steps in. "Awe, ain't she adorable."

Jasper rolls his eyes and AJ shifts before she snores once more. "You guys back?"

"Yeah," Emmett replies as he hears everyone walking on the second floor. "Edward and Bella made it to Florida. Alice had a vision, Victoria is on our land. We go tomorrow to search. With AJ."

Jasper simply nods. "I'd come down but I simply cannot move."

Emmett smirks and he steps out, closing the door behind him. Jasper wraps his arm tighter around Abigail before kissing her head and he stares at his ceiling.

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