41: 100% Pack

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         It's been a good twenty days since the wedding, and it's September. Abigail has spent every day with her pack, Sam and Paul have been trying to maintain her temper. Which is working.

"Abi, dad wants to see you," Jacob says as he into Sam and Emily's.

Abigail nods and she feels calm, which is soemthing she hasn't felt since before the wedding which only means something bad's about to happen. Something that will lead to trouble, which will involve Bella Cullen more than likely.

Abigail and Jacob phase and run together through the woods until they get to the main road. The phase back and dress before getting onto Jacob's new motorcycle / dirt bike. Charlie's cruiser is in the driveway, which make the Black twins share a look as they dismount the bike.

They haven't seen Charlie since his wedding with Sue.

Abigail struts in.

"Abi!" Billy boasts as he rolls over,n and Jacob walks in. "Bella called."

Jacob walks straight over to Charlie, must to Abigail's displeasure. "She called?"

"They extended their trip," Charlie informs him. "She caught a bug."

"She's sick?"  Jacob asks, Abigail doesn't like the tone he uses at the word 'sick'.

"Jacob, let it go," Billy says, but he's ignored as Jacob goes out. "Gail..."

"Got him," Abigail says before she chases her brother, who is waiting for her at his bike. "She might be back."

"She is," Jacob says. "I know it."

Carlisle opens the door right before Jacob can knock and he allows them to enter. Carlisle smiles fondly at Jasper's fiancée, she has been doing some much needed pack bonding the past few weeks, the Cullens truly understand.

"Is she back?" Jacob asks, Carlisle goes to reply but the Black siblings hear Bella's voice.

"You're calmer," Carlisle points out to Abigail.

"Sam and Paul have been working me hard the past few weeks," Abigail admits. "Can I go see the family?"

"Go," Carlisle coos. "They've missed you but we understand that the pack is your family."

Abigail smiles at Carlisle before she climbs the stairs. Rosalie grabs her into a hug first, Jasper bites his knuckle to keep from laughing at the inhuman npise that left Abigail's throat in surprise.

Abigail suddenly growls when  she sees Bella's stomach. Bella is sitting now but she is destiny pale, her face looks like death made over, and looks like a pregnant walking-dead corpse. Jacob is already gone, phased.

"Abi..." Edward goes to speak but Abigail is steaming and shaking as she glares at the stomach of the newest Cullen.

"I wouldn't," Jasper says to Emmett as he tries to approach her. "I don't know how calm she truly is now. She hasn't been here since the wedding." 

Abigail closes her eyes and hears Paul's voice mentally telling her to breath and steady herself. Abigail inhales and exhales several times, so she doesn't attack the entire coven, and even her fiancée and she won't even mean to.

"Abigail," Jasper's voice immediately calms her as his hand carefully touches her bare arm, where she has a new tattoo, the Quiluette tattoo. "Are you okay now?"

"Is it going to kill her?" Abigail asks in an unfamiliar dark voice, keeping her eyes clothed and breathing steady.

Jasper hesitates but he knows better than to lie. "Yes," he replies honestly.

Abigail inhales and exhales before replying, "then I can't have any part in this." Abigail grabs Jasper's face and kisses him tenderly and Jasper kisses back instantly but it's over as soon as it starts. "I'm going to my back, to Sam. I love you, so much, Jasper. Do you still love me even if I cannot be here for this?"

"Of course, Abigail, I will always love you," Jasper replies as he brushes a strand of wild hair behind Abigail's ear as Sam howls. "We will plan our wedding whenever the time is right."

The wolf nods and she runs out, she howls and tells Sam she is on her way back to him. She meets him and the pack at the old lumber yard. She rubs agaisnt Paul's wolf and Paul grunts as Jacob arrives. Sam and Jacob begin talking through mind-link, the others allow it to happen.

Sam wants to kill both Bella and the baby, he knows Abigail won't be against that. Jacob - as expected - is totally against killing Bella. Despite her being married to Edward and being pregnant to a baby that will indeed KILL her, Jacob is still in love with the dying human.

Jacob goes on about how his grandfather was Ephraim Black, a true alpha. He goes on and on about how he is a destined leader, he is just angering Abigail. Paul is keeping he silver wolf grounded or else she'd have already sunk her shark canines into Jacob's neck. Jacob eventually leaves.

Are you going with him, Abigail?" Sam asks, he is fuming.

Hell no, Sam, Abigail replies. You're my alpha.

Sam's black wolf nods and Seth goes to follow Jacob. Leah whimpers and Sam runs off with Jared. That's when Leah runs. Abigail immediately chases after Sam and Jared to tell them, Sam lets out a howl, meaning three wolves left the pack. Jacob Black along with Seth and Leah Clearwater.

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