11: Movies with Bella and Jessica

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         It's the sixteenth of January and Bella has offered to bring Abigail to the movies with her and a friend from Forks, Jessica Stanley. A girl who Abigail has never met before.

Abigail dresses on some black yoga pants, a navy green v-neck short over a black sports bra, some black converse. Abigail puts her hair in a braid on the side of her head before she puts her jacket on.

"Abi! Bella just pulled up!" Emily calls.

Abigail rushes out and she leaves with Bella. They're meeting her friend at Bella's. Bella is early, wanting Abi to meet her dad. The chief. Even though Abigail met him already. Bella just wants the meeting to be official.

Bella pulls up to her house in Forks and let's Abigail in. Charlie shakes the teen's hand, he's glad Bella is getting out of the house, especially with Abigail and another friend. Two friends is better than Bella moping around in her room for a good three months.

Someone honks outside.

"That's Jess," Bella says. "Come on AJ."

Abigail smiles at the nickname, Bella is the only person who calls her that now. Abi follows Bella out to Jessica's Nissan.

"Jessica, this is my friend, Abigail Black," Bella introduces. "Abigail..." Bella says AJ's name slowly. "... this is my friend from school, Jessica Stanley."

"It's nice to meet you," Jessica claims as she drives. "Bella, we are going to Port Angeles, right?"

"Yes, yes, Port Angeles," Bella mutters.

Jessica simply eyes her before shrugging, she drives to the movie theatre in Port Angeles, Washington. It's an hour drive from Forks. The girls go in, Bella pays for the movie and they are seated after getting their sodas and snacks.

Abi's eyes are glued to the big screen as she blindly munches on popcorn when she feels someone sit beside her. She turns her head and finds Embry.

"Who sent you?" She asks quietly as she faces the movie again.

"Jared," Embry admits after a moment. "You are finally getting out and doing things. He wanted me to check on you."

"And hour and a half from home?" Abigail rises her eyebrow as she turns to him. "Are you sure it was Jared and it was your idea?"

Embry blushes, he's been caught. "I know you've imprinted and that you want him, but I want to be your best friend."

"Jared has that status," Abigail states. "But you can be my friend and pack brother. But you're already my..."

"Pack brother," Embry finishes for her. "I know." He looks at the credits. "I'll see you at Sam's."

Abigail leaves with Jessica and Bella, they walk down the street. The sun has set and it's nighttime now. Abi thought Forks was creepy... She's especially creeped out now because she managed to get away from Bella and Jessica accidently.

Not being cold at all, Abigail still shivers. As she rounds a corner, she meets with an attractive dark-skinned vampire with deep crimson eyes. He tilts his head to the side as he studies the wolf. Abi stops breathing as the vampire steps closer.

"You wolf," he purrs, his accent french. "I'm Laurent."

"A-a-Abigail," Abi whispers, really scared.

Laurent pushes some stray hair behind Abigail's ear before he vanished from sight. Abi exhales and she hurriedly exits the alley, finding Jessica.

"Where's Bella?" Abigail asks as she approaches the dirty blonde human.

"She is being an idiot," Jessica replies. "Got onto the motorcycle of a stranger."

Abigail's brown eyes widen as Bella walks over. "What the hell, Bella?!"

"I'm sorry," Bella mumbles. "I-I thought I knew them."

Jessica and Abigail share a look before Jessica scoffs. Jessica walks ahead. Bella sighs before she walks with Abigail to Jessica's car. Bella is in the backseat now, and Abigail is riding shotgun per Jessica's request.

"What did the vampire say his name was?" Sam asks Abigail, she told them about crimson eyes.

"Laurent," Abigail replies in a soft voice. "He sounded french, looked like he's been around a while."

"Did he touch you?" Paul asks from the couch.

"Only my hair, to move it behind my ear," Abigail replies. "He didn't... he didn't hurt me, though. Just... he just scared me."

"That fear will go away the more you deal with the human feeders," Jared mumbles from his spot beside Paul. "Trust me; I turned not long after Sam. I was terrified of those bastards and now, I'm eager to hunt and kill them before they harm humans."

"Go get some rest," Sam says as he looks at Abigail. "You need it."

Abigail nods and she heads upstairs. She strips and she lays in her bed, in her underwear. Abi closes her eyes and passes out.

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