16: Opperation Clearwater Werewolf

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         Leah and Seth are getting worse, so Abigail has them in a clearing near Sam's. Sam is hodddn in the bushes in his wolf form. Seth is terrified and broken, which was expected. Leah is broken.

"Let the pain in," AJ coos toward them.

Seth screams out and he phases, falling to the ground with a doggy like whimper. Leah does the same and she phases. Abigail then phases, allowing her clothes to rip. 

Emily's going to kill me, Abigail mutters mentally.

I can hear you, Seth exclaims through mind-link. How is that possible? AJ?!

It's called mind-link, Sam says as his black wolf emerges from the bushes, Leah growls. We can hear each other's thoughts while in wolf form.

That is so cool! Seth exclaims.

Seth! Leah snaps. How do we turn back?

Abigail goes into the trees and phases back, she slips on some yoga shorts and a blue tank top and some sneakers before emerging. Sam looks back.

"Think of your human form," AJ says as she lays some clothes in front of each wolf. "You'll be naked."

Leah picks her clothes up with her mouth and goes into a bush, Seth does the same thing. Abigail runs her hand over Sam's snout, she's still hurt by Harry's death.

"What the hell was that?" Leah snaps as she storms out of the bushes in the shorts and green tank top.

"Time for operation Clearwater werewolf," AJ chirps has Seth walks out. "You guys want to go to Emily's or stay here? Charlie is at your house."

"Let's go to Emily's," Leah replies.

Abigail claps and she walks on. Seth smiles and he runs after her, Leah rolls her eyes and she eyes Sam, who is studying her before he huffs and runs. Leah sighs before she follows.

Seth was more energetic and excited about everything than Leah. Leah is annoyed and angry, but she's new. It isn't like she's a hothead like Paul and Abigail.

"Why's Leah so grumpy!?" Seth asks.

"She's new, Sethling," Abigail claims. "I was like that for a while. But I'm hot headed. My temper's worse."

Seth looks around. "This is where the pack hangs out?"

"Yep," AJ replies with a smile. "Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron are patrolling. I'm on operation Clearwater werewolf."

"Is Sam alpha?" Leah asks.

"Yes, and he thinks he's all high and mighty," AJ muses. "He stuck me on you guys, he's at my dad's."

Leah inhales. "And now I have to obey orders... It's like dad never died."

Seth whimpers at that and Leah quickly apologizes.

"Come on, let's phase and I'll show you the territory," AJ chirps as she stands.

The trio go outside. Abigail strips and phases while Seth and Leah are in the bushes. Seth and Leah's wolves emerge as Jared and Paul come walking back in their human forms.

Jared hugs AJ's neck and he walks inside with Paul. Abigail runs into the trees, the Clearwater siblings follow pretty closely behind her so they can keep up and not get lost.

Abigail shows them the patrol areas, showing the treaty line and explaining the treaty. If the Cullens were to return, Leah and Seth will have to sign the treaty with one of the elders and Carlisle.

The land in La Push is actually really beautiful. The trees, gentle rain, the beaches.

Abigail makes sure she shows them First Beach and the cliffs where the dive recreationally. Seth wants to do it, and is really eager. Leah doesn't really like swimming, so she's done made it clear that she's sitting on the beach if the pack cliff dives. Fun or not.

"How'd operation Clearwater werewolf go?" Embry asks as AJ walks in with Seth and Leah.

"It was amazing!" Seth exclaims happily. "Abigail is a great teacher."

"That's why I put her on it," Sam says as he scroll in and sits in an armchair. "As you two know, I'm the alpha. Jared is my beta, he becomes alpha after me. Paul becomes alpha after him and then after Lahote, it's Abigail."

"I'm going to Charlie's," Abigail says. "He wants me to look over some arrangements."

Emily jogs in and tosses Abi the keys to the Jeep. Abigail waves and she jogs out, she drives to Forks and parks beside Bella's truck, she sees a black car across the street, parked. She walks in and she sees Jacob.

"Bella?!" Abigail calls, ignoring Jacob like he has he, and Bella emerges from the kitchen. "Where are the arrangements Charlie wanted me to see?"

"On the coffee table," Bella says. "Thank you for helping."

"The Clearwater's are my family," AJ coos and she hugs Bella. "I'm sorry for phasing in front of you..."

"I forgive you," Bella says and looks at Jacob. "See? It's that easy."

Jacob grumbles and he follows Bella to the kitchen. Abigail sits on the couch and grabs a Manila folder Charlie has lain in wait for her. 

Alice Cullen is in Carlisle's Mercedes parked across the street from Bella's when a Jeep comes up. Alice ignores who's in it as she goes into a vision. She gasps and gets out, storming inside.


"Alice!?" Bella gasps as she looks at the vampire, whom was already here.

"It's Edward," Alice says. "He thinks you're dead."

Bella glares at Jacob. "Why didn't you let me speak with him?"

"He didn't ask for you," Jacob replies with a growl and Abigail enters and she is ready to protect.

"I don't care!" Bella exclaims.

"Bella! Bella!" Alice exclaims as she grabs Bella's shoulders. "He's going to the Volturi; he wants to die, too."

Bella runs to pack and Jacob attempts to stop her.

"Hi," Alice greets the wolf. "I'm Alice Cullen."

"Abigail Black."

"You're Jasper's mate!" Alice gasps. "Oh, god!" Alice hugs the wolf. "It is so nice to meet you!"

"Is he...?"

"We all are," Alice replies. "Go and talk to your pack. I'll talk to Carlisle as soon as we get back from Italy."

Abigail runs out and phases before running through the woods and goes to La Push. She phases back and dresses at home and walks inside. With a mission.

"AJ?" Embry seems startled by the look in her eyes.

Sam rises an eyebrow and he sighs. "The Cullens are back, aren't they?"

"Alice was at Bella's," Abigail says. "He's back."

"Let me call and talk to Carlisle, and the elders," Sam grumbles and ge walks away.

Jared smiles and he hugs Abigail. "Your imprint's back, babygirl."

"You can go tomorrow," Sam says. "They smelled you in the house."

Abigail hugs Sam and she runs to her room, she's too excited to sleep so she just stares at the ceiling.

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