36: Proposal

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Abigail is standing in the woods with Jacob and Jasper waiting for Edward to bring his bloodsinger. Jacob is supposed to carry Bella up the cliff to see if the wet dog smell can cover Bella's strong human smell.

"I can't spell Abigail," Jasper says to Jacob as Edward and Bella arrive. "So it's how to you to carry Bella up there to see if your odor can covers Bella's scent."

Jacob easily picks Bella up and heads up the mountain as jasper takes Abigail's hand, squeezes it, and he follows to check the scents. When he comes back, he gives Edward a look.

"No smell of Bella anywhere," Jasper informs his coven brother and he grabs Abigail's hand once again. "But I have to go somewhere. I have some errands."

Jasper has gotten permission to pass the boarder to go to Abigail's home, to ask Billy a very serious question. So here he is, waiting for the man in a wheelchair to answer the door so Jasper can hopefully put his future with Abigail in motion.

The door opens and Billy is revealed. "Jasper?"

"I got permission from your other elders, Sam, and Carlisle to pass," Jasper informs the man. "I was hoping I could speak with you."

To say Billy was shocked would be an understatement but he rolls his wheelchair out of the way, them he motions for Jasper to enter the house. Rachel sees bin ans she smiles before leaving to hang out with Paul at Emily's place.

Billy rolls himself over to where jasper stands, in the living room. "Have a seat, Jasper."

Jasper nods and on the couch and looks at Billy. "I truly love your daughter, Abigail."

This makes Billy's face light up. "I know you do, son. What's this about?"

"I wanted to ask you for permission to propose to your daughter, mr. Black," Jasper informs him.

Billy is dumbfounded as he stares at Jasper. He didn't expect this, although he isn't really surprised. Billy always knew Jasper was a bit old school, much like Carlisle, but this...

"Well, Jasper, color me impressed. I never expected this," Billy admits as he hears a car pull up. "That's probably Sue bringing new my fish. Give me a moment, would ya?"

"Of course," Jasper replies without hesitation.

Billy rolls away and he opens the door, it's Sam.

"Sue has me bring the fish," Sam says and hands billy the brown bag. "What's Jasper doing here?"

"He wants to propose to Abigail," Billy replies. "Asking my permission."

Sam smiles. "That earns my respect. AJ's at the house."

Billy nods and he closes the door. He puts the fish in the fridge, Abigail can cook it later. He rolls back into the room where Jasper is.

"I give you permission, Jasper," Billy says. "But if you hurt her, you have an entire pack of brothers to hide from."

Jasper smiles. "I'm aware; they're all really close. It's honorable."

Billy shakes Jasper's icy hand and he smiles. "Now, I expect an invite and to wheel my daughter down the isle." 

Jasper nods. "Of course."

Abigail is giggling at something Jared's big mouth said, you can't even count the number of times Abi has called her closest friend a funny and an idiot. The phone rings and Paul growls before Emily picks it up.

"Abigail," Emily coos as she enters the room. "Jasper wants you to meet him in the woods where you were just at earlier today."

Abigail furrows her eyebrows but she nods. "Alright."

She walks out back and she strips, and phases. Abigail picks her clothes up with her canines and she runs through the trees to avoid Jared's consistent teasing. He's her pack brother and she loves him, but sometimes Abigail wants to dig either her canines or claws into him somewhere.

"Hey there, darlin'," Jasper greets the silver wolf as she approaches him. "Meet me at the top and phase back." He flashes away.

Abigail huffs before she runs in her wolf speed to the top of the cliff. She goes behind some snow covered bushes and she turns. Abigail dresses and she walks out. The snowy ground is filled with candles and deep red rose peddles. 🥀

Abigail gasps at the beautiful sight and she sees Jasper leaving a tent, it's one for Edward and Bella during the fight. Jasper looks amazing; he's in some nice fitting trousers, a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a black vest that does with his trousers, and some fairly nice shoes.

Jasper's hair is a mess, which is natural and it makes Abigail even crazier about him. His eyes are bright, he hunted before this. The scars on his forearms visible, but they don't bother Abigail, they never did.

"Come on over here, darlin'," Jasper coos in a loving tone.

Abigail bites her lip and she walks over. She is wearing some black leggings now with an orange blouse that is low cut and some hiking boots. Her hair is flowing freely. Abigail stops breathing when Jasper pulls out a ring box and he kneels down on one knee.

"Abigail Black, never in my entire existence did I ever expect to fall in love so deeply like I am now," Jasper coos as he looks into her brown eyes. "I love you with all of my being, you're the reason I am alive, the reason I keep moving." Jasper opens the ring box and reveals a gorgeous antique engagement ring. "Abigail Joan Black, will you marry me?"

Abigail lets a tear fall and she nods quickly. "Yes! Yes! A trillion times yes!"

Jasper smiles and he slips the ring onto Abigail's left hand and he lifts her into a loving hug, spinning her around in circles. Abi giggles and she pulls back, she kisses her fiancée. Fiancée, she likes sound of that.

"Go, Tell the pack," Jasper whispers. "I know you want to... I'll tell Alice.

Abigail strips right there and phases.

"I'll bring your clothes to the house," Jasper says as he picks them and the ring up. "Be careful, darlin'."

Abigail runs through the trees in a fast speed, and she lets out a happy howl. She lets the wolves patrolling hear her thoughts as she broadcasts them for her pack brothers to see. The silver wolf is beyond happy.

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