44: Bittersweet Nineteen

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       Today would have been Bella's nineteenth birthday. But according to Alice, she's waking focus. Abigail still won't have anything to do with Ness, she hardly looks at her. AJ's not sure why Bella's death is effecting her so much because they never did like each other very much.

"She's waking up," Jasper murmurs as his hands grip onto his fiancée's shoulders and kisses her head. "Hold Ness."

Rosalie smiles at Abigail and she hesitates but she takes the baby. As soon as she looks at the little girls face, she falls in love and smiles. Ness reaches up and shows Abigail her first memory of her, it's of Abigail avoiding her at all costs.

"You look amazing, Bella," Alice speaks up suddenly.

"Welcome to the family," Carlisle adds as everyone moves, revealing a newborn Bella. "Someone's been wanting to meet you."

"Bella," Abigail speaks softly and the vampire looks at her, "this is your daughter, Renesme."

Abigail hands the baby who looks a few months old over to Bella, and she drags Jasper upstairs. The vampire locks his lips with the only wolf he loves and he pulls her in for a hug after pulling away, Jasper rests his chin on top of Abigail's head as they both listen to Bella yell at Jacob for imprinting on her daughter who is just a baby.

For the past couple days, the boys and Abigail have been working on cottage for Bella's birthday. Despite the fact Bella did stop aging, Alice was set on giving her a present. A house.

"Happy birthday!" Alice chirps, handing Bella the keys to the cottage, after bella gets back from her first hunt.

"Alice, I stopped aging three days ago," Bella comments.

"I know, but still," Alice says. "Follow me."

Abigail us holding Ness and she walks up to Jasper's room, and lays on the bed. She holds Ness above her, the baby laughs out loud and Jacob leans against the door.

"You're a pro, Gail," Jacob muses.

Abigail smiles before she makes rests Ness's face against her chest, the baby falls asleep listening to Abigail's heartbeat. Jacob kissss both of their heads before leaving them alone.

"Where's Renesme?" Edward asks Jacob.

"Asleep on Abigail," Jacob replies.

"She finally came around, huh?" Edward asks with a smile. "That's good. I was wanting her to be...l

"The god mother to Renesme," Bella finishes for her husband.

"She'd love that," Jacob says. "She's always wanted kids."

Jasper frowns at this. "I wish I could give them to her."

"As long as Edward and Bella keep Ness around, she'll be okay," Jacob muses. "I know how my sister is... I'm gonna go out and check in with Seth and Leah."

"Jacob!" Jasper calls and the wolf stops. "Who's pack is Abigail in?"

Jacob frowns. "Sam's." And he leaves.

Jasper walls upstairs and he lays beside his fiancée and his sleeping niece. He kisses Abigail's forehead and stares at the ceiling.

Jacob wants to keep the Cullens from leaving, Emmett didn't want to and Jacob didn't want them to. He just found his imprint. He waits on the main road for Charlie Swan to arrive in his cruiser. He leads charlie into a clearing right off the main road.

Jacob starts stripping and Charlie becomes hesitant, and grossed out. When Jacob phases, Charlie jumps back, terrified for dear life.

Abigail walks downstairs with Ness on her hip as Bella yells at Jacob on the balcony, Edward just watches quietly. Jacob told Charlie about the wolves, and Abigail has done had her round with him.

"Is she hungry yet?" Esme coos as she walks up to Abigail.

"She just ate," Abigail coos as she looks at the baby. "I wish I could have one of these."

Esme touches Abigail's should. "Look at what happened to Bella... I'm not saying try it but I'm just saying... Don't lose hope on children, Abigail. You ok with her?"

"I've got her, mom," Abigail replies.

Esme frowns at the name and she hugs Abigail, careful not to squish Ness. "Alright, daughter." She kisses abigails forehead before she walks away.

Charlie is coming over to see Bella and to meet Ness, Edward has her while Abigail is in La Push at Emily's.

"How's the baby?" Paul asks, they're all in the kitchen.

"I see you finally out her down," Jared chimes in, and Embry laughs at this. "You look happier. I'm glad you and Jasper worked your Crap out. We need our impritns."

"Even why aren't Paul and my sister together again yet?" Abigail taunts.

Paul rolls his eyes dramatically and flails his arms. "She won't have me now!"

"That's your fault, brother," Abigail coos as she plops down in his lap. "You waited too long." She reaches forward and grabs a muffin from the basket in the center of the table. "Rachel is smart, she won't wait forever. But she loves roses."

Paul smiles and he leans up, kissing Abigail on the cheek sloppily before grabbing himself a muffin, a hand on abigails lower back as he chats with Jared about something he found during a patrol, it was nothing alarming though or worse he'd have brought it up to sam.

Abigail looks around the kitchen and she sighs. Sam's pack only consists of his beta and omega, Jared and Paul, plus her, Embry, and Quill. Jacob's got Seth and Leah now. Paul rubs Abigail's back, he knows she's upset about the major split between alphas.

"Do you ever regret choosing to follow Sam instead of your brother?" Paul asks only her.

"Nope, not in the slightest," Abigail replies honestly. "Sam will be my alpha until he steps down and Jared is crowned. He's a good alpha."

"He is," Embry agrees with his mouth full.

"Embry, it's rude to talk with a mouth full," Emily scolds, she is such the den mother.

"To think," Abigail says as she smirks at Jared, "our next den mother is Kim."

Jared blushes wildly as Paul bushes out laughing, Sam is even chuckling as he walks in. This is why Abigail chose Sam's pack. She adores them, and they're her brothers.

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