01: Bella Swan's moving where?

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        "Kids?" Billy calls from the living room.

AJ and Jacob look at each other, knowing Rachel is with Paul already. Jacob shrugs at AJ's silent question before they head toward the living room of their small, three bedroom home.

"What's up, dad?" Jacob asks as AJ kisses Billy's cheek in greeting before she sits.

"I just spoke with my friend Charlie out of Forks," Billy says and Jacob's eyebrow rises. "Bella's moving back to town."

"Bella Swan's moving where?" AJ asks, she doesn't like Bella because she was always hogging Jacob, even as kids.

"Back to Forks... With Charlie," Billy replies; he gets AJ's hesitance, he saw how Jacob and Bella were.

"When does she get here?" Jacob asks, suddenly full of energy.

"I'm going out to the shed," AJ mutters and walks out, she spots Paul's truck pull up. "Hey, guys!" She chirps as she walks up.

"Hey, AJ," Paul greets. "You still don't believe I'm in a cult?"

"Nah," AJ replies with a smirk as Rachel heads inside. "There's another rumor now."

"What is it now?" Paul asks as he glances at his imprint's little sister.

"That Sam us the leader of a drug gang," AJ replies and Paul busts out laughing. "I know... It's ridiculous."

"Is your dad home?" Paul asks.

"Dad!" AJ yells and Billy rolls himself over.

"There's a bonfire tomorrow night," Paul says to Billy. "Can I swing by and bring AJ? Rachel's going shopping."

"Do you want to go?" Billy asks as he meets AJ's eyes.

"Can I, dad?" AJ asks, she's the same as Jacob, fifteen. "Can I, please?"

"Okay!" Billy chuckles. "Quit begging."

Paul laughs and he looks at AJ. "I'll pick you up in the AM, it's at Sam's... Can I talk to your dad alone, please?"

AJ goes inside and smells steak, knowing it's Rachel's doing. The girl loves to cook when she isn't with Paul, which is most of the time.

"It's good to actually see you," AJ teases.

Rachel smirks. "What'd Paul want with you and dad?"

"He's bringing me to the bonfire tomorrow," AJ replies. "Since you're shopping."

"That's good;" Rachel replies, "you need to learn more about this tribe."

Jacob is wearing a scowl, he believes the rumors about Sam and his guys. AJ is ready to meet the Jared guy Rachel talks about and she wants to meet Leah's ex, Sam. AJ goes to her room and grabs the phone, and falls a familiar number.

"Hello?" A kind voice says into the speaker.

"Mrs. Clearwater, is Leah home?" AJ asks.

"She sure is," Sue Clearwater coos and the kind is silent.

"AJ," Leah's voice sounds through the speaker. "Hey. You wanna come over tonight?"

"I would but I'm going with Rachel's boyfriend to a bonfire tomorrow," AJ says. "Which is why I'm calling.... I'm meeting Sam and Emily."

Leah tenses in her bedroom and sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce the two of you sooner."

"It's okay," AJ replies. "I understand... You're seventeen, why are you friends with a fifteen year old?"

"Because you're really cool and you're not as childish as my brother," Leah muses.

"Seth's fourteen," AJ says. "Maybe he just isn't mature yet."

Leah laughs and she sees Sue poke her head in. "Dinner's ready, AJ. Gotta go."

"Cya." AJ hears Rachel call that food's ready. "I'll see if I can stay tomorrow, if so, I'll have Paul drop me off."

"Have Emily drop you off, mom would like to see her," Leah says before she groans. "Seth is rushing me... I hope to see you tomorrow." Leah hangs up.

AJ goes into the dining room, their home is a one story but the fifteen year old couldn't ask for better. She adores the home she was raised in.

"Dad, can I go to Leah's after the bonfire tomorrow?" AJ asks as she gets sat down. "She wants to know..."

"Of course," Billy replies. "Stay the weekend... Bella comes on Monday. Charlie wants you and Jacob both over there."

"I have school," AJ says before taking a bite of her baked potato first. "I'll ride with Sue when she drops Seth and Leah off."

Billy sighs before he nods. "Very well."

"Why are you going to Sam Uley's tomorrow?" Jacob asks, Rachel and Billy tense as Jacob questions his sister.  "He's in a drug gang, Abigail."

"No, he is not," AJ replies sharply. "I want to learn more about the tribe; given I'm only fifteen, I have a right to know."

"That you do, this tribe, the Quiluette blood, it's your blood," Billy says as Jacob walks out to the shed to work on a car he's been getting scraps for. "You deserve to know about the legends of the Quiluette tribe and maybe when you get home on Monday, I'll tell you the backstory of the Black family."

AJ smiles. "Okay."

"Rachel knows about the Quiluette tribes already, and about the family," Billy adds. "You should know, too... Jacob doesn't want to know."

AJ nods. "I appreciate your approval, dad."

"You're a daddy's girl," Rachel says in a teasing-like tone. "Of course you seek his approval in everything."

"They won't be the known legend stories this time, but Sam is telling about the spirit shifters," Billy explains to AJ. "Are you ready to have your pretty mind blown?"

AJ giggles and she nods. "I am, dad. Who's telling them? Sam?"

"Harry Clearwater and Quill's granddaddy," Billy says. "There will be another one when you're sixteen next year at the beach, where I'll be telling more of the stories."

AJ grows excited as she finishes eating. "I'll clean up."

"Go to bed," Rachel urges. "Paul will be here early. I'll clean up here and get dad to bed."

AJ nods and she kisses Billy's cheek before she goes to her room. She changes into some some light blue pajama pants and a black tank top. AJ collapses into her bed and closes her eyes, she goes to sleep.

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