07: Dance

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      "Little sister!" Jared exclaims from outside AJ's room at Sam and Emily's. "Let me in!"

"Not yet!" AJ yells back.

"God, you've become a diva since your dad let you move in here!" Jared exclaims.

It's been about two months since the whole sherry telling AJ about Billy. Billy thought it was best for AJ to live at Sam's, where she won't be judged for who her dad was when people look at Sherry Altera. Abigail and Jacob aren't as close.

"Shut up!" AJ yells back.

"You both shut up!" Sam demands from downstairs. "Damn it, you're like kids!"

AJ finishes getting ready for the prom, Jacob is taking her instead. AJ is still going to this dance with Quill, Sherry is allowing it because he promised.  Quill likes keeping his promises.

"Abigail Joan Black!" Jared growls. "Come on!"

"Quill's here!" Emily exclaims.

AJ opens the door and Jared smirks.

"There you are," Jared muses. "You look beautiful, baby sister."

AJ blushes and thanks Jared. She's been here for two months and still gets embarrassed when the pack compliments her. She and Jacob turn sixteen in a few days and Abigail plans on spending the day at home with him and Billy on their sweet sixteens.

Jared holds his arm out. AJ blushes once more before looping hers with his, and the wolf leads her down the stairs. Quill is waiting by the door in a suit and tie, looking real nice. AJ already knows she will be bonding with Leah at this dance.

Sam tosses Quill the keys to the Jeep, threatening him if he crashes it. Quill is still wary about the pack, still thinks they're a drug gang but according to Sam, he's due to phase soon.

Embry Call, the newest to phase, work whistles. "You look amazing, AJ."

"Thank you," AJ says and she walks up to Quill. "Are we ready?"

Quill nods and they head out to the Jeep.

As she had guessed, Quill went off with a few of his high school friends, ditching AJ. So, Abigail is sitting at a table with Leah. Leah is ranting about Sam, again. She wishes she were able to move on, to forget about that heartbreaker.

"You'll get over him eventually," AJ promises as she touches Leah's arm, Burn the House Down by AJR plays. "Leah..... Dance with me! This is my favorite song!"

Leah actually agrees and she goes to the gym floor with AJ, and the girls dance. Jacob walks in after he is done crashing Bella's and he spots his twin dancing with Leah Clearwater. He walks over to Quill.

"Your brother's here," Leah says as the music dies down once again.

"I figured he'd show after he was done tormenting Bella," AJ mumbles. "This is why we aren't close anymore... It's always Bella."

"You'll understand when you fall in love."

AJ groans. "You sound like freaking Jared."

Leah laughs and she smirks. "He sounds smart."

"Jared is," AJ says. "Let's go get some punch and snacks."

Leah immediately agrees and the girls walk up to the snack table. AJ puts some chips and french onion dip on a plate before getting herself some of the grape flavored punch. Leah gets the same things and rejoins Abigail at the table.

Jacob is watching his sister intently.

Jasper Hale is sulking around the prom, his mate is in La Push and he is scared to admit she is his. Blood singer or mate, either way, this girl, Abigail Black, was meant for him.

Travis smiles at jasper and walks up. "She'll be sixteen soon, Jas."

Jasper nods. "I know."

Jacob and AJ are just now getting home. Jacob is at Billy's and AJ's at Sam's.

AJ goes to her room at the same time as Jacob, and they both change before dinner and bed.

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