04: Cliff Diving?

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       It's been about a week since Bella was over with Charlie, a week since AJ found out the shifter secret, since she met Sam, Emily, and her second best friend Jared. AJ is being homeschooled at the Clearwater's. Leah and Seth still attend La Push High, but AJ didn't fit in well.

Today, she's in the beach, playing soccer with Paul, Jared, and Sam. The imprints are all doing something with their families, Rachel is in Hawaii for a couple days visiting Rebecca and her little family.

"Jared!" AJ exclaims as the beta knocks her in her butt in the sad. "Rude!"

Jared laughs as Paul helps her up.

"Wanna try cliff diving?" Sam asks.

"Cliff diving?" AJ asks, confused.

"You see that cliff?" Jared asks as he points to the cliffs in a distance, AJ nods. "We jump off those, and into the water."

"And don't worry about the cold," Paul muses. "One of us will warm you up, plus a blanket."

AJ stares at the cliffs hesitantly, she isn't sure rather she wants to but she trusts them. She finally nods, biting her thumb nail anxiously as Jared tells her to turn around. AJ does as fold and Jared removes his shorts, and his brown vest shirt, and he phases.

Jared's wolf huffs and AJ turns. The beta lowers himself enough for AJ to climb onto his back. Sam and Paul phase, too, and he takes off running through the threes. AJ has a tight grip on the wolf's fur as the three wolves run in their full speed.

AJ walks to the edge of the cliff as the boys all phase back, and out on their shorts. A lump grows in her throat, suddenly unsure.

"You don't have to jump," Sam assures her as he stands next to AJ. "You can simply watch."

"I want to," AJ insists. "I'm just..."

"Scared?" Jared asks as he walks up. "Jump with me. You'll be just fine."

"Billy's gonna kill us," Paul says as he emerges from the bushes.

"Nah, not if we warm AJ up before she gets sick," Sam says. "Maybe."

"AJ and I will go first," Jared insists. "So she doesn't cower out." He looks at Sam. "Tell Kim I love her if Billy kills me."

Jared grabs AJ's hand and he pulls her off the edge. AJ screams before they fall into the water, a loud splash following. Jared and AJ swim out, and the girl is immediately shivering.

Jared pulls on some dryer shorts as AJ faces the other way and he picks her up bridal style. The young teen snuggles against her friend's chest for warmth, and her shivering slowly - very slowly.

"How was that?" Jared asks her, smiling.

"I...it was.... was.... fun," AJ says, still shivering slightly.

"Let's get her to Emily's," Sam says. "We can use a blanket, the fireplace, and you, Jared."

The beta nods and they all head to Emily's.

AJ curls up to Jared on the couch as Emily gets the fire started, Sam is calling and telling Billy their actions. Jared has a protective / brotherly arm draped around AJ's arms as Paul walks in.

"She's almost asleep," Paul points out. "She could use a nap... She's been at it all day."

Jared nods, agreeing. "She really has. I weirdly can't wait until little Black here phases."

"I can," Sam says as he enters. "Billy is not happy with us. He's on his way over... Harry's bringing him."

Jared gulps down, suddenly nervous as he looks at AJ. "She's napping... Maybe he won't yell and wake her."

"He'll have Harry watch her and bring us out back," Sam says and he smiles. "She had fun, though."

Jacob pulls AJ into a hug when she gets home with their dad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you thought Bella was stealing me," Jacob stars urgently into twin's ear. "I love you, so much, Abigail Joan."

AJ melts into her brother's hold, she has missed Jacob's hugs. They used to be so close, they grew apart.

"I want to be close. Again," AJ says as the two finally pull apart. "I miss you, Jacob."

"We'll be close again, AJ. I'll make sure of it," Jacob says and he kisses AJ's forehead, being a good foot taller. "I miss you, too, Abigail."

Jacob and Billy the only ones allowed to call AJ by her actual first name. Leah does, but not often. Jared's scared to, Paul just doesn't care enough, and Sam's respectful.

"Let's go and pick up some food at the diner," Jacob offers. "I can call Embry... He just got a car."

"That sounds nice," AJ says, she hadn't seen Jacob's friend - Embry Call - in a while. "Call Embry."

Jacob smiles before walking to the landline. Billy is watching his kids with a warm smile, he's missed watching those two hang out.

"AJ, come here a minute," Billy says before rolling into the living room.

AJ smiles at her twin and she follows Billy. "What's up, dad?"

"Did you have fun with the pack today?" Billy asls; he's kind of upset Sam didn't run the idea of being AJ cliff diving by him first, but he knows she adores the guys.

"I had a blast!" AJ gasps. "Jared warmed me up after, so I'm good there. The guys are great."

"Embry's on his way," Jacob says. "I'm gonna get a shower, first." He walks away.

"Jared's my second best friend, Leah is my first," AJ adds when Jacob has the shower water going.  "We wasn't planning on cliff diving," AJ says, as if she can read his mind. "We were playing soccer and Sam asked if I wanted to try it."

Billy was about to ask AJ something when the roaring engine of an older model pickup interrupts his train of thought. AJ opens the door and sees a long haired Embry exiting the truck.

"Embry!" AJ gasps and she hugs the taller boy. "Jacob is probably dressing. He took a shower."

Embry rolls his eyes as he keeps a causal arm draped over AJ's shoulders. "I figured he wasn't ready yet." 

AJ smiles and she walks inside. Embry begins conversing with Billy while AJ walks to the kitchen, she grabs an apple before meeting Embry and Jacob at Embry's truck he bought off of Harry.

After dinner, Jacob and AJ go to Jacob's room to hang out some more as Embry goes home. Jacob and his twin talk until they pass out in Jake's bed.

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