14: Wolf Out of the Bag

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        "Where are we going again?" Abigail asks her alpha.

"To Billy's to get Jacob," Sam replies as Paul and Jared jog out. "Where's Embry?"

"Stuffing his face with a blueberry muffin," Jared replies. "He'll be out in a minute, he said that."

Sam huffs but he nods, regardless. He should have known that Embry was stuffing his face. If he wasn't a shifter, Embry would be the fattest one on the res, beside Paul.

After a moment, Embry exits the house with a stick of celery.

"Emily made me bring it," he complains.

Sam shakes his head and the group of five enter the woods. Sam is in the middle. Jared is right beside him and Paul is by him. Abigail is beside Embry on Sam's other side.

"Bella's here," Abigail says as she and the wolves leave the trees. "That's her truck in the drive."

"What did you do!?" Bella demands as she comes storming up, causing AJ to rise an eyebrow in surprise at this girl's bravery. "What did you do!?" She growls before shoving Sam, Abigail steps forced.

Sam holds his arm out in front of her. "Easy..."

"What did you do!?" Bella demands once more. "He didn't want this!"

"What did we do?" Paul asks, tauntingly. "What did he do? What did he tell you?" 

"He didn't tell me anything because he's scared of you!" Bella declares.

Abigail throws her head back and she laughs loudly, until Bella swings her hand back and slaps her. Abi begins to shake angrily, she's a hothead like Paul is.

"AJ, calm down, now!" Sam demands.

"Too late now," Jared mutters. "She's like Paul."

Sam looks at a raging Abigail, and sees how concerned Paul is. "Bella, get back, now!"

Bella slowly backs away as Abigail lets out a growl, and she phases. The silver wolf snaps her teeth and growls at Bella.

"Bella!" Jacob exclaims as he runs our and jumps the railing.

"Jake, run!" Bella yells as she runs toward him. "Run!"

Jacob jumps and he phases, growing at his sister. The twins attack, biting at each other and rolling around and Paul, he too phases. He goes to help AJ while sam takes control back at Billy's.

"Hey, take Bella back to Emily's place," Sam demands to the remaining pack members, Jared and Embry.

"Guess the wolf's out of the bag," Embry comments as he and Jared fo over to Bella.

"Two freaking hot heads," Sam growls as he runs into the woods after Jacob, Paul, and Abigail.

"You're a hothead like Paul," Sam explains to Abigail. "Which means you have to learn how to control your anger, like Paul."

"She slapped me, Sam," Abigail exclaims. "How did you expect me to react?!"

"You reacted accordingly but you let our secret out!" Sam demands. "You're on probation, no Forks for a while."

Abigail pales instantly. "What?" She whispers.

"It's final, Abigail!" Sam booms in his alpha voice. "Let's go back."

Abigail lets a tear fall and she follows Sam.

"You're not the first monsters I've met," Bella says to someone.

"Jacob was right," Sam says as he saunters through the kitchen, Abigail sits numbly in the living room. "You are good with weird." 

"Where's AJ?" Paul asks, he's done apologized to Bella.

"I told her she can't go back to Forks as punishment," Sam says.

"She was doing so good!" Jared scoffs and he walks into the living room. "Abi?"

He sees the blank stare and he glares at Sam, who's watching from the kitchen doorway. Jared walks over and he pulls Abigail into his arms for a tight and secure hug.

"It's okay, Abi," Jared whispers. "We can go to the treaty line every day we patrol, and you can look over."

"It ain't be the same and you know it," Abigail whispers. "I felt alive there. Free."

"I know, babygirl," Jared replies. "Who's room was it you slept in?"

"Jasper's," Abigail whispers. "I almost felt him there, it made me feel better."

Jared rubs his hand over Abigail's shoulder and he meets eyes with Sam, Sam flinches at the anger in Jared's eyes before he looks at Bella.

"Why did she sleep in Jasper's room?" Bella asks.

"Jacob, explain impritns to her," Sam says. "And you know about mates, Isabella, because of Edward. Abigail is Jasper's."

Bella gasps, "I had no idea!"

Sam nods and he sighs. "And because she showed you our secret, she can't go over there for a while."

Bella looks at the wolf with Jared. "Don't punish her like that; she'll go comatose like I did when Edward and his family left."

"Bella," Jacob says as he stands, "come on. I'll explain some things to you."

"Abi," Bella speaks as she stops in front of them, "I'm sorry they left. It was my fault."

"No, it wasn't, Bella," Abigail claims as she stands, her legs feeling like hello. "You can't help that you got a paper cut in a house full of vampires."

Bella smiles before leaving with Jacob. Jacob hasn't apologized or even spoke to Abigail, even when she apologized to him. A tear falls.

"My brother hates me," AJ whispers, her voice broken.

Jared looks at Sam before he growls, storming out.

"Jared!" Sam yells but Jared goes to Jacob, and he has a heated conversation with him.

"I'm going to bed," Abigail mutters, not wanting to be around Sam.

She lays in her bed and wraps herself in a blanket until Paul walks in. Paul crawls behind his pack sister and holds her, knowing she's hurting all over again.

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