40: A Cullen / Swan wedding

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         Abigail and Kate get ready together with Carmen and Tanya. Irina is throwing a tantrum because Abigail is a wolf, one of whom killed Laurent. Eleazar is talking to the Cullens downstairs as they wait for guests arrive. Alice and Rosalie are helping Bella get ready for the big day.

"Ladies?" Jasper says from outside the door. "We're about set."

"Go on," Kate urges Abigail. "Your fiancée awaits."

Abigail smiles at Kate before she opens the door. Jasper is dressed in a nice suit, he smiles as he extends his arm toward the love of his life and he leads her downstairs.

"Abigail!" Seth exclaims as he runs up. "Hey!"

"Hey, little dude," Abigail greets as Jasper goes to his set. "Any news about my idiot brother?"

Jacob stupidly ran off when Bella sent him an invite to the wedding, which was sweet of her. No one has heard from him since but Edward. He won't tell Bella or Abigail anything.

"No, sorry," Seth replies with a shrug and he looks for his mom and Billy. "Gotta go, Abi! See you at the next pack meeting."

Abigail ruffles his hair and she takes her seat beside Jasper. And right on time, too. The glass French doors are opened and Charlie steps out, Bella's arm hooked with his. Isabella Marie Swan looks absolutely beautiful in her wedding dress.

Jasper interlocks his fingers with Abigail's as Charlie walks down the isle. Bella's nervous and her blood is pumping fast. And again, since he doesn't feel his siblings' bloodlust, Jasper isn't at all tempted. Carlisle places a gentle kiss upon Esme's cheek as Charlie hands Bella off to her groom, a vampire.

Abigail is flat out ugly crying by the time Edward and Bella are kissing after their vows. Jasper doesn't mess with his fiancée's emotions because they're only happy tears and he knows she'd kill him. Abigail hates when Jasper manipulates her emotions.

The speeches are simple and beautiful.

"Abi, you're up," Renee Dwyer, Bella's mother, says after her lullaby.

Abigail stands and she walks onto the stage that the guys built before the bachelor party in the woods with Abigail's help.

"Hey guys, I'm Abigail Black." Abigail clears her throat, she is terrible with speaking in front of so many people. "I've known Bella pretty much all of my life. We might not have always gotten along but I do respect her. She has whit, she is strong, and she fits in well with the Cullen family."

The crowd smiles and Kate whistles from the Denali table.

"Edward, well, I'm engaged to his brother," Abigail says and she shrugs. "He's an ok guys, I guess."

"You guess?" Edward asks in phony shock, making the covers, family, and friends all chuckle.

"I guess," Abigail repeats with a smile. "But the pairing of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and a now Isabella Marie Cullen, thst is a perfect match made by the gods. Edward, Bella; you belong together. I hope you live until your one hundred with white hair."

"That was.... nice," Jasper says as Abigail sits back down. "You did good, darlin'." 

Kate and Abigail are standing at the edge of the reception chatting about Carmen and Eleazar, and Irina. Kate loves beings apart of the Denali coven. Which is awesome.

"I like the Olympic coven," Abigail says. "Don't get me wrong, I love Jasper with all of me, but I'd probably choose my pack if I had to choose. They're my family."

"Jasper's your family, too," Kate states.

"I know," Abigail says. "But I fit in with my pack. If I weren't Jasper's mate..."

"But honey, you are Jasper's mate," Kate says in a stern voice as they watch Irina glare toward Seth.

"Abi," Seth says as he runs up. "There's trouble with Edward and your brother out front."

"Family issues,"  Kate muses. "What's a wedding without it?"

Abigail smiles before she runs off with Seth.

"You're going to kill her!" Jacob yells at Edward.

"Jacob!" Sam's alpha voices sounds, making Abigail grab Seth's hand nervously. "Enough."

"He's going to kill her, Sam," Jacob claims.

"Let's go!" Sam demands. "Bella is no longer our concern."

Jacob glares at Edward before running into the woods. Abigail looks at Jasper and he nods for her to go, the pack first. The both of them agreed that Abigail should tend to the pack's needs first.

Abigail lays down in her own bed at home in La Push, glad she is no longer in Forks. Kate texted and said the newly weds left for their honeymoon while Abigail was dealing with family.

Jacob walks in and he lays beside Abigail, and he drapes an arm over her torso before his snores fill the room Abigail smiles at her obnoxious brother before she falls asleep, too.

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