24: Abigail's Past

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Fourteen year old Abigail is walking home from school, she is mourning the death of her mother, so she wanders into the woods. Abi is suicidal, has been ever since Sarah's death and her father's injury.

Abigail wanders until she comes across five or six men, they're all drinking and laughing. (Like Royce and his friends to Rosalie). Abigail has a funny feeling as leader turns to face her. His eyes fill with lust, a pervert.

"Why, hello there, little lady," the man greets in a disgusting tone, he and his friends reek of liquor. "Come in over her, sweetie."

"No, I'm not allowed to talk to strangers," Abigail says in a shaky voice, she is truly terrified even if she did want to die, she didn't want to go like this - not by the hands of another.

"Get. Over. Here!' The man growls before he grabs her arm and roughly drags her over. "What do you think, boys? Think we can get it in?"

The Hispanic one of the friends forcefully removes Abigail's pants and sees her panties that are light green with neon frogs on them. Another one of the white friends rips them off and the leader throws Abigail to the ground with a thumbs, and the dark skinned friend kicks her, wreaking the young teen.


"Okay, you can stop," Paul says with a growl, his face furious. "Please..."

"Let me finish," Abigail whimpers, her words breaking as she meets her dads watery and furious eyes. "Please?"

Jared interlocks his fingers with Abigail's, his eyes are full of tears as a few drop. "Go ahead, babygirl. Take your time."

It was the leader who first forced himself into Abigail. Abi screams in pain as the man groans in pleasure. The other men watch, Abigail is too weak and shaky to fight back but she sobs in pain.

Each man have their turn, none of them ejecting inside her but the final one. The Hispanic. This is one of the times, and she should even be thinking of it at a time like this, Abigail is a late bloomer and has yet to have a period.

The men leave her there, all alone, thinking she will die. Abigail had barely made it home, where Rebecca was alone.

"Oh, my god!" Rebecca exclaims as she sees her little sister in the yard, bloody legs and no pants. "Abigail!"

Rebecca rushes inside and she brings Abigail some pants. "We're going to the hospital to see Sue."

"P...please don't te...tell dad or Jacob or... or Rachel," Abigail whimpers before she passes out.

Rebecca gasps and she calls an ambulance, not caring because she knows their dad is at Charlie's for a game and Jacob is at Embry or Quill's, and Rachel is on her first date with Paul. Rebecca knew she couldn't pick AJ up to out her in the ambulance.

Jared wraps AJ into his arms, her face burying itself into his chest as she sobs. Sam is hugging a broken down Emily as Jared runs his hand over Abigail's hair as Paul goes outside to cool off.

"Oh, my baby..." Billy gasps, looking at his daughter as she breaks down in Jared's arms. "How... how do we tell Rachel?"

"I'll do it," Jacob whispers, it is taking every living cell to keep him from losing his calm. "Abigail, did these men tell you who they were?"

"N...no," Abigail replies in a shaky voice as her hand blindly grabs Jared's. "They... they...."

"Take your time," Jared whispers and kisses the top of her head. "Take your time, babygirl." 

"All I know is they are from Seattle," AJ replies. "One... one left their wallet and I opened it. Hubert something, he was thirty and liked in Seattle." 

"Does Jasper know?" Sam asks as Billy rolls out back for some air.

"He... he dumped me," AJ whimpers.

Jared growls at this. "Why?"

"I... I told him I was a... a Virgin," Abigail replies shakily. "And then I told him the truth."

Paul comes hurrying in and he pulls Abigail off the couch, and he pulls her into a secure hug. That's when she really breaks. Abigail has been crying during the entire story, but now they're scream sobs. The hothead duo stay like this, in their own embrace as Billy asks Sam to bring him home.

"I'm going to the boarder," Jared tells Paul. "I need a word with Jasper."

Paul nods as he rubs Abigail's back. Jacob is out back, calling Rachel and telling her. Paul rests his chin on top of Abigail's head and a tear escapes his own eye. Embry doesn't know what to do. He just watches them with broken eyes. The pack's baby sister was hurt and no one else knew.

"Sam is going to stay with Billy," Emily says as she enters the room. "He's taking it hard. Do you have her? I need to get groceries." Emily just wants to distract herself.

"I've got her," Paul whispers. "You go."

Emily strokes AJ's hair before she walks out. Paul keeps a tight hold on Abigail, even as Rachel comes rushing into the house. She was at her dad's when Jacob called, and she saw her dad's broken face as Jacob told her.

"Abi..." Rachel covers her mouth with her hand.

"I got her, Rach," Paul assures his imprint.

"Thank you," Rachel whispers. "Oh, god... she was only fourteen."

Abigail whimpers before she snuggles deeper into Paul's chest. Rachel looks at her little sister and she feels her heart break for her.

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