33: Graduation Party

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Abigail showers long the following morning, she promised Alice she'd get dressed there. Plus, Abi wants to see Jasper, too, she always wants to see her imprint. Abi dries her hair with a towel after finishing her shower and she dresses in some black lace panties, a dark blue push up bra, some black leggings, and a dark green tunic.

Abigail puts on some flats and she enters the living room. "I'm off to Forks, dad. Promised Alice."

"And you want to see that imprint of yours," Billy teases. "Give me a hug."

Abigail hugs her dad and kisses his cheek before walking out, seeing elder Quill pull up. Abi smiles and waves before getting into Jasper's Porsche. Alice has Abigail's outfit at the mansion already.

Abi drives until she makes it to the Cullens place and she parks in the garage beside Rosalie's car. Emmett closes the garage door and opens the drivers side door to the prosche.

"C'mon, little wolf," Emmett muses. "Alice is going crazy."

"When is she not?" Abigail mutters before following Emmett inside. "Alice!"

"There you are!' Alice exclaims as she walks over. "Where have you been?"

"Spent time with my dad before I took a shower," Abigail shrugs. "I'm here. Where's Jas?"

Alice smiles. "His room. Go on up. I'll kidnap you later."

Abigail rolls her eyes but she smiles as she climbs the flights of stairs. Jasper is waiting for her on the top store, leaning against the railing to the stairs. The vampire smiles lovingly at Abigail as she reaches him.

Jasper grins happily and lifts her chin with his thumb before pressing his lips against hers. Abigail smiles before the pair go to Jasper's room. Jasper lays down and Abigail simply cuddles up to him, not in a mood for the naughty stuff. She just wants to be held.

"Just hold me," Abigail whispers.

"I'm right here," Jasper whispers back in reply. "I'm not going anywhere, darlin'. Take a nap. You'll need it."

Abigail is rudely awoken by Alice literally busting the door open, luckily not busting it off its hinges. Abigail growls lowly but at Jasper's touch, she stops shaking as she glares at rhe clairvoyant vampire.

"Get ready, sunshine!" Alice chirps and she hears the music already started. "Party has began."

Abigail puts on some ripped skinny jeans, a crimson short sleeevd off the shoulder blouse, and some heels. Jasper kisses Abigail on the cheek before interlocking their fingers and heading downstairs. Jessica Stanley gasps and runs over.

"Dance with me?!" Jessica says quickly and Abigail instantly agrees.

"AJ!" Embry calls as he, Jacob, and Quill enter.

"I gotta jet, Jessica," Abigail says and she approaches her pack brothers and her actual brother. "Hey, guys. You made it."

"You look amazing," Embry compliments. "Where's the hostess?"

Abigail points Alice out and Embry goes to hunt her down, he wants to compliment her on the party properly. He likes to be nice, when he has to be. Both Sam and Abigail are making him be nice tonight.


Jacob smiles and he pulls his sister into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asks as she walks up.

Jacob keeps a strong arm around his sister's shoulder. "You invited me."

"My punching was me uninviting you," Bella sneers.

"I made you something," Jacob says and uses his free hand to hand Bella a leather bracelet band with a silver wolf charm on it. "Graduation present."

Bella smiles. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

Abigail sees Alice on the stairs with a blank look on her face and she excuses herself.

"Alice?" Abigail speaks as she and Bella approach her. "What do you see?"

"Abi, get the pack," Alice says. "Meet in the den."

Abigail gathers Jacob, Embry, and Quill before heading toward the den. Abigail sits on the couch cushion beside Jasper. He grabs her hand as Alice tells them they're not going to Seattle.

The army's coming here.

"Hold up," Jacob interiors Jasper. "What damn army?"

"Newborns, our kind," Carlisle replies.

"What are they after?" Embry asks from his place behind Quill.

"In my vision, they were passing around Bella's scent," Alice says in a sharp tone, she is worried. "A red blouse."

"They're after Bella?" Jacob asks, Abigail sees the concern in his eyes. "What the hell does this mean?"

"It means an ugly fight with lives lost," Carlisle replies simply.

They discuss this for a while until Jacob says they're in.

"I'll talk to Sam," Abigail says as she stands and she glares at Jacob. "I won't jump to conclusions." She turns to Carlisle. "I'll be back soon, Carlisle."

The coven leader nods and Abigail flees outside, fleeing Alice's graduation party.

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