10: Free

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Abigail phases first thing in the morning, and shakes out her fur. Abi runs around, feeling free as the air blows her fur around as Sam stands on the back porch, watching. He is about to pick Billy up. Billy wants to see his daughter up.

"Babygirl, you ready?" Jared asks and he stops when he sees the silver wolf. "I guess so." Jared phases, ripping his clothes in the process.

Jared: Race you to the cliffs?
Abigail: You're on.

Abigail's silver wolf bolts into the trees, Jared isn't too far behind her as Sam leaves for the red shack. Jared is ahead before Abigail thinks of how she will be when she reunites with Jasper and she rushes ahead.

She's an optimist. Abigail just knows that she will see Jasper again.

Thinking about your imprint is cheating! Jared yells in mind-link. Cheater, cheater!

Abigail rolls her wolf eyes before she stops, looking over the cliff and into the water. She lays down and over looks the water as Jared lays beside her.

Want to cliff dive? He asks.

Abigail runs into the trees and sees spare clothes the pack keeps her. Abi phases and puts on the shorts and tank top Emily found for her. She meets Jared at the edge of the cliff. He's in some cut off denim shorts.

"Let's do this," Jared muses.

Abigail yells, "CANNONBALL!!!" As she runs and jumps off the edge, positioning herself into the shape of a cannonball.

Jared laughs, he's glad he got her out. Jared backs up and he runs, jumping over the edge and diving like a pro. The resurface, and spot Rachel and Paul on the beach with Kim. All three are smiling as Jared and Abi leave the water.

"Wanna go again?" Paul asls, his brown eyes wide. "With me, this time? Please, please, ple..."

"Shut up!" Abigail exclaims, laughing. "Come on."

Rachel covers her mouth and smiles wide as Paul and Abigail run up to the top in their human forms.

"How is she?" Rachel asks Jared when the two wolves are out of hearing range.

"Better than when Jasper first left," Jared replies as he looks at Abigail and Paul on the cliff. "This started out as a run."

Kim smiles. "She's having fun."

Abigail pushes Paul, who yells out in surprise before a splash occurs. Rachel laughs out loud before she sits in the sand. Jared wraps his arms around Kim from behind, his imprint not caring if his wet clothes are soaking her clothes.

"You asshole!" Paul scolds as he and Abigail exit the water. "You pushed me!"

"You were going to push me!" Abigail says with a laugh.

Paul rises an eyebrow but says nothing. He goes and gives Rachel a kiss. Rachel simply pecks her boyfriend before she hugs her sister, knowing she's been having a rough time.

"It's good to see you, Rach," Abigail mumbles into Rachel's hair. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too," Rachel replies and she pulls away. "You headed home?"

"I wanna run some more," Abigail confesses. "It's freeing."

"We'll see you later," Jared says and kisses her head before the boys leave with their imprints.

Abigail phases, letting her clothes rip, and she runs into the woods. She halts at the treaty line, Sam explained the treaty and Abigail was able to sign it with Harry Clearwater and Carlisle Cullen before the coven left.

You can pass, Sam mind-links as his solid black wolf form trots up. The treaty is void since they're gone.

Abigail nods and she runs into Forks after jumping the creek bed. She stops outside the Cullen house, she can barely smell them anymore. She whimpers as she rounds the house, looking for any trace of vampire but finds none.

Abi huffs in annoyance, she wishes Jasper had given her a chance instead of leaving. Abigail isn't even allowed to talk to Leah anymore now that she's a wolf now. Can't risk Leah finding out. Unless she phases, too.

Abigail gives up, acknowledging that she won't find a scent before she runs off back toward La Push. Sam is still at the creek, waiting for the silver wolf. The solid black wolf huffs as Abigail crosses the boarder and they run home.

Both Sam and Abigail phase and dress before entering. Emily hands them both a glass of ice cold lemonade, homemade lemonade. Emily makes the best. Jared and Kim are cuddling on the couch, Paul and Rachel are cuddling on the loveseat. Abigail would give everything to cuddle with her imprint but she has no clue where Jasper is.

Jared notices how Abigail is looking at them and he releases Kim, his imprint understanding. Paul eyes Jared suspiciously and he looks at Abigail, he and Rachel release one another.

"You guys continue," Abigail whispers as she lays her half empty glass on the coffee table. "I'm going to bed." She walks away and she changes into some pajamas before she collapses into her bed.

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